Grade Vi

An interactive radio show to promote English listening and speaking through correct grammar and sentence structure.

Henry Vi

The play begins with the marriage of King Henry VI of England to the young Margaret of Anjou. Margaret is the protegee and lover of William de la Pole, 4th Earl of Suffolk, who...

Henry Vi

The play begins with the funeral of Henry V, who has died unexpectedly in his prime. As his brothers, the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester, and his uncle, the Duke of Exeter,...

Penélope Africana: Romance

Penélope Africana é um romance moderno, corajoso, histórico e imaginativo, que transita entre realidade e fantasia. O autor escreve sobre um Brasil escravocrata e cruel, sem...

El Racó De Penélope

Zinc Peris emprèn un viatge, un llarg viatge de pocs quilòmetres de distància, des d'un barri de València fins al Perelló, un poble de la costa on els pares han decidit obrir...

Watch And Ward

Wealthy Roger Lawrence adopts twelve-year-old Nora Lambert after her father kills himself in the hotel room next to Lawrence’s. Roger had refused financial assistance to the...

Dr. Shawn A. Ward

Join us for the rescued church freedom experience

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