Den Store Roman Med Kaspar Colling Nielsen Radio24syv

Jeg ved slet ikke, om jeg kan skrive en helt ny bog. skrev Kaspar Colling Nielsen i en kronik i Politiken d. 20. april og afsluttede med Jeg er slet ikke forfatter, det er bare...

En El Baño Con La Sra. Nielsen

Kim recibe con naturalidad un encargo trivial más en su formación como aprendiz de albañil. Esta vez se trata de la reparación de una ducha en una de las casas del barrio de...

En El Baño Con La Sra. Nielsen

Kim recibe con naturalidad un encargo trivial más en su formación como aprendiz de albañil. Esta vez se trata de la reparación de una ducha en una de las casas del barrio de...

Kære Carl... Breve Og Sange Fra Carl Nielsen Og Anne Marie Carl Nielsens Ægteskab

Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen var deres tids store danske kunstnerpar. Han, den toneangivende nationalkomponist, hun billedhugger med kongelig rytterstatue på...

Leslie Nielsen's The Naked Truth [abridged]

A Simon & Schuster audiobook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every listener.

Everyone Worth Knowing

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A GIRL ON THE FRINGE ENTERS THE REALM OF NEW YORK'S CHIC, PARTY-HOPPING ELITE? Soon after Bette Robinson quits her horrendous Manhattan banking job like the...

Romeo & Juliet & Vampires

"You are deluded, Romeo. Vampires do not have the capability to love. They are heartless."The Capulets and the Montagues have some deep and essential differences. Blood...


Returning to the beach cottage—a cottage named Scallop—where she has always celebrated her birthday is a special occasion for Alice Rice. Who will see the first...

The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope

In the waning months of World War II, young Evelyn Roe's life is transformed when she finds what she takes to be a badly burned soldier, all but completely buried in the heavy...


Quicksilver is the story of Daniel Waterhouse, fearless thinker and conflicted Puritan, pursuing knowledge in the company of the greatest minds of Baroque-era Europe, in a chaotic...

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