Arguments With My Preteen Daughter

A man and his almost-teenage daughter navigate life with sometimes very different point of views. Usually arguments ensue.

Proven Gamer » Nintendo Duel Screens

Proven Gamers editors Stephen Fontan and Andreas Asimakis as they discuss everything Nintendo past, present and future.

The Smart Marks » Proven Gamer

Gaming Through the P.R.O.V.E.N. System Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

Looking for great (game, object lessons, worship, volunteer celebration, etc. etc.) ideas to take your preteen ministry to the next level? This podcast is created and curated by...

Nos Gusta Coser

Bienvenidos a el podcast Nos gusta coser. Aquí hablaremos con bloggers de costura, con emprendedoras, con tiendas de telas y mercerías. Es un espacio para cotillear lo que pasa...

Instant Equity--a Proven Real Estate Investment System

A show by a real person that teaches you how to successfully invest in real estate with a system that really works. Mike has bought hundreds of properties at auction and never...

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Persuasive

"Meld[s] social psychology, pop culture and field research to demonstrate how the subtle addition, subtraction or substitution of a word, phrase, symbol or gesture can...

Fat Burning: Proven Fat Burning Tips Revealed

LIGHTNING PROMOTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tired of hiding your muffin top under layers of clothing? You are not alone. About one-third of American...

The All Weather Retirement Portfolio: Backtesting And Time Proven Strategies

The All Weather Retirement Portfolio: Backtesting and Time Proven StrategiesRay Dalio's All-Weather Portfolio is supposed to be able to weather any economic season.Find out how to...

Weight Loss: The Proven Plan For Fast Weight Loss Results

Have you decided that the time is right for you to lose some weight?Are you fed up with ill-fitting clothes and looking out of shape?Do you need a plan of action?Losing weight is...

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