Leigh! At Lunch 2012-2013 Season

Welcome back to Leigh! at Lunch for our 2012-2013 season of shows. We are looking forward to some great shows this year, and some great guests! We open with author Anthony Esolen....

Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

Messy Imperfect Life with Leigh Koechner Unleash your messy imperfect life and embrace your star power!Life hasnt always been easy, but I have done quite a bit of work on myself,...

"the Real Deal" With Dr. Leigh-davis

Dr. Leigh-Davis hosts the "ORIGINAL" Real Deal Radio Show LIVE! every Wednesday night at 10:00 PM Pacific Time. In the fashion of the old Merv Griffin shows, Dr. Leigh-Davis talks...

Music And History - John Lennon

Um gênio da música que nunca foi realmente compreendido, foi perseguido até pela Ku Klux Klan. John Lennon foi viciado em várias drogas, gostava de desenhar, foi expulso dos...

Dr. Leigh-davis> This Month In History

Dr. Leigh-Davis hosts "This Month in History;" telling listeners about historical events which occurred in the present month. Dr. Leigh-Davis is a law professor, retired attorney,...

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate With Leigh Brown

Crazy Sh*t in Real Estate!a podcast that will shatter the HGTV-induced veneer of real estate, and celebrate the challenges of working in this wild, wacky business.

Sam Numit: La Guitarra De John Lennon

En la primera saga de sus aventuras, el detective Sam Numit se verá abocado a la investigación de las circunstancias que rodean la muerte de Frank Powell, el cantante que le...

Dave Hill: History Fluffer (with Dave Hill, Jim Biederman & Jodi Lennon)

Comedian Dave Hill gives his first-person account of different periods throughout history while Jim Biederman and Jodi Lennon call bullsh*t on most of what he's saying.Recorded...

Sam Numit: La Guitarra D'en John Lennon

A la primera saga de les seves aventures, el detectiu Sam Numit es veurà abocat a la recerca de les circumstàncies que envolten la mort d’en Frank Powell, el cantant que el va...

Robert Ben Garant & Thom Lennon: Meet The Authors

Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon have made over a billion dollars for the Hollywood studios, banked bushels of cash for themselves, and earned the love and respect of film...

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