Ines Of My Soul: A Novel

“Powerfully evocative. . . . Allende is at her best here; spinning words like spells, enthralling the reader with surreal visions of the New World.”— NewsweekA passionate...

Talk To Us! With Dana And Ines

Talk to Us! is an engaging, fast-paced, interactive radio show to help listeners expand their awareness and empower themselves. Dana Smith, and Ines Martens, take a light-hearted...

Inespod Literaturkostproben Von Sarah Ines

»sarah ines« schreibt assoziiert fabuliert.

A Farsa De Inês Pereira: Adaptação De Alexandre Azevedo

Esta engraçada farsa foi representada ao muito alto e mui poderoso rei D. João II, no seu Convento de Tomar, na era do Senhor de 1523. Aos que duvidavam da autoria das peças...

Poemas. Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz

Eje y pilar de la poesía mexicana, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695) reúne en sus poemas y, en su obra literaria en general, los elementos formales y estilísticos más...

Die Ballade Von John Und Ines (ungekürzt)

Ines Behrendt ist glücklich: Die Dresdner Sängerin ist an Paul McCartneys Pop-Uni LIPA angenommen worden, zwischen dem Mitstudenten John Raymond und ihr knistert es, und...

Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

Hypnosis-Everywhere with Ines Simpson explores, dissects, discusses and opens up the world of Hypnosis. You will discover that Hypnosis is a very big world indeed. In...

Sóror Juana Inês De La Cruz: Como Antigona Eu Vim Para Dizer Não E Paguei O Preço De Minha Ousadia

Sóror Juana Inês de La Cruz: Escrita de Si e Recepção, lança um olhar, sobre a sociedade onde somente os homens tinham acesso ao mundo do saber,ao Ensino Superior, onde o...

Thor's Hammer

When the British Government turn down a revolutionary weapons system in favour of the new Euro fighter they don't realise the wrath their decision will cause. The only radar...

Doctor Thorne

Doctor Thorne begins to establish a medical practice, while Henry seduces Mary Scatcherd, the sister of stonemason Roger Scatcherd. When Scatcherd finds out that Mary has become...

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