Mountain Zen Den Podcast



Self-Development & Simplicity for Nature LoversThe Mountain Zen Den Podcast is the place to connect with Nature for Personal Growth & Simple Living ~ offering daily motivation, inspiration and meditations all inspired by the natural world to help you achieve success in having the life you've always wanted.


  • MZD - Ep 97 Perpetual Morning

    19/06/2021 Duration: 12min

    Great to have you here for another Walden Wednesday! It’s all about intentionally carving a few moments out of your day in a relaxing nature setting in an effort to affect the quality of our lives. We do this by slowing the heart and mind, down enough to absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophies and writings of naturalists and appreciators of Nature like Emerson, Whitman and Thoreau. And then at the end we give you a little time to just “Be”, and settle into a deeper state of awareness as you go through your day, fully-awake, fully-present, alive and intentionally growing into the person you desire to become. In today’s reading we visit with Henry Thoreau by a stream near Walden pond and ponder the question, “How can I simplify my life to the point that I am Awake and mindfully Aware each and every moment of my day to a Perpetual Morning”? And… “What would that look like”?” So now, I invite you to close your eyes, take a deep breath and enjoy a passage taken from the classic, Walden: or, Life in the Woods by H

  • MZD - Ep 96 Cultivating Abunda

    14/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    In Episode 82 we introduced the concept of Cultivating Your “Garden of Well-Being”. Those qualities in your life that you desire to have more of, and that would help make you a better person. Things like Presence and Gratitude, Hope and Faith, Love and Simplicity, Joy and Tranquility, Beauty and Wonder, Health and today’s subject – Abundance. Today we’re talking about cultivating a spirit of abundance and What Nature Teaches Us About Wealth & Abundance. Money is generally the first thing that comes to mind when people think of wealth and abundance. But having riches, that is, being wealthy and having abundance in your life is so much more than having a lot of money in the bank and accumulating things. Gifts and resources such as health, freedom to live and love as we choose and have the time to pursue and enjoy them, along with family, friends and other relationships and associations… these are all signs of abundance in our lives. And we should pursue and enjoy them with unceasing gratitude! That being sa

  • MZD - Ep 95 The Meeting of 2 Eternities

    09/06/2021 Duration: 12min

    Here at Mountain Zen Den, our Wednesday podcast features passages from Walden and other great classics that relate to cultivating the wisdom, mindfulness and simplicity found in the natural world as offered by some of the most influential naturalists, writers, philosophers and poets of our past. Walden Wednesday is all about taking a little time in our favorite nature setting on a regular basis to help still the heart and mind, and slow you down enough to absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophies and writings of some of the greatest thinkers we’ve ever known. And then at the end we give you a little time to just “Be”, and soak in these treasures to settle into your inner being and hopefully, become a part of who you are as a fully-awake, fully-present, alive and aware, intentionally growing human being. Today, we pick up where we left off last Wednesday and contemplate what it really means to be a “Philosopher”, and the question, “Am I fully present for and living the life I desire and wholly believe in…fully

  • MZD - Ep 94 Cultivating Health

    07/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    MZD Podcast – Ep 94   Welcome to the Mountain! Well how are you feeling today? Are you the picture of health you always dreamed you would be? Today we’re going to talk about cultivating one of the most important aspects of your being – Your Health. Our bodies are tied into our entire being and affect not only the way we feel, but our mind and the way we see the world and interact with everyone around us… that is, our relationships. Have you ever been “hangry”? Then you know what I mean! You’re not necessarily mad at the world or angry at the people around you. You’re just hungry with low blood sugar and it’s affecting your mood at that very moment. For Pete’s sake, (everyone else’s around you), eat something! Not only are our minds and emotions and relationships affected by our health, but our spiritual well-being is as well. You see, we cannot divide ourselves into fragments of being – saying things like, “Well, we are Spiritual beings, so the Spirit is the only thing that matters!” or, “The Mind is the most

  • MZD - Ep 93 What Do You Really

    03/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    Welcome to Walden Wednesday on the Mountain! I want to reward you with something a little different than what we typically experience during our traditional meditation time. In past episodes we have occasionally shared passages from Walden and other great writings and literature, relating to cultivating the rich wisdom, mindfulness and simplicity found in Nature. In 1845, American naturalist, poet, writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau decided to try a grand “experiment”. In his own words, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” We’re going to offer more of these classics set in nature on a regular basis to help still your heart and mind, to just absorb the thoughts, ideas, philosophy and writings of some of the greatest thinkers who ever lived.  And then we are going to give you a little more time at the end to allow these treasure

  • MZD - Ep 92 The Drift

    01/06/2021 Duration: 14min

    Welcome to Mountain Zen Den!   It has been a while, and much has happened since we last met here.   The entire world has changed.  Dramatically!  Yet, while there have been a multitude of anxiety producing events and uncertainty, if you zoom out and look at the big picture, you can see it has actually been a season of opportunity, of renewal, self-reflection, ad growth.  The possibility of change and revision… A “Re – Vision”. Today we're going to talk about what happened. We are not going to get into pandemics or politics or world events, or even masks, or viruses and vaccinations, or anything else that has occurred in the world over the past year. We’ve all had enough of that, and there’s not a thing we can do to change the past. We are here to talk about You.  What happened to you during all of this.  We'll do an honest self-assessment. Maybe you are not sure, and instead have just allowed yourself to drift. There is still hope and healing, light and love, and magic and wonder in Nature and the natural wor

  • MZD - Ep 91 Cultivating Wonder

    03/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    “If I had influence with the good fairy… I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life.” ~ Rachel Carson (Nature writer and conservationist) Happy New Year and Welcome to the Mountain! Come on in to Mountain Zen Den, where we inspire you to connect with Nature for mindfulness and Personal Transformation, naturally! The holidays are winding down and it’s time to get back to the routine and ruts of life as we know it.  Or is it? One of my favorite things about starting a new year, (and in this case, a new decade), is the opportunity to look back, assess what worked and what didn’t, and then to look forward, ask what is it that I want, and then make new choices, plans and decisions to get there...a fresh start, so to speak; or maybe just a fine-tuning adjustment.  Either way, a new year offers us another reason to be mindful.  And that’s a very good thing indeed. Over the last several weeks we have been exploring the con

  • MZD - Ep 90 Cultivating Beauty

    28/12/2019 Duration: 13min

    “…If you’re down to your final dime, can’t decide what else to buy to be happy You don't need a credit card to give your heart the beauty of the world..." ~ Peter Mayer Well the hustle and bustle of Christmas has come and gone, and it’s the end of another year.  Snowflakes are gently falling outside.   The presents have been opened.  The children are happily playing in the other room, and you sit with the one you love, sipping hot chocolate reading from a book with Currier and Ives prints, in front of the crackling fire, and breathe a deep sigh of contentment.  Sounds like a Netflix Christmas special doesn’t it? So your world doesn’t look like this?  What is it about this scene that appeals to us?  Aside from the peace and quiet that is finally here, what about this setting draws and attracts us like moths to a flame? Is it the beauty?  Beauty is an interesting thing. The preferences and specifics can vary and change to a certain degree, but I think it’s safe to say that we all long for and appre

  • MZD - Ep 89 Cultivating Tranquility

    16/12/2019 Duration: 19min

    “Work when there is work to do.  Rest when you are tired.  One thing done in peace will most likely be better than ten things done in panic…. I am not a hero if I deny rest; I am only tired.” ~ Susan McHenry So how are you holding up this holiday season? Are you tired of being told there’s only so many shopping days until Christmas? Maybe the stress of finances, (or lack thereof), the burden of work deadlines and family obligations are wearing you down.  Finding the “perfect” gift for everyone on your holiday shopping list can be so stressful. Or even worse, for many the holidays can be a very depressing time.  Health struggles, past memories, and the sadness of loss of relationships and loved ones make it especially hard to endure when everyone else around you seems so happy, alive and in love. What is so sad is, this is supposed to be the season of “Peace on Earth and good will toward all”, a time of “Joy to the World”, and at times it feels like anything but. We all long for a place we can

  • MZD - Ep 88 Cultivating Joy

    26/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    "When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you. A joy." ~ Rumi How are you doing today?  Are things going the way you want them to?  Are you living the life of your dreams?  Are you happy and content with your present state of being?  More importantly, is your life filled with joy in this very moment? If you can answer “Yes”, to this last question, then you are a very blessed individual indeed.  If not, no worries.  Join the other 99.9% of people on the planet.  That’s why we’re here today. We are going to explore some very practical ways to cultivate joy in your life and “Garden of Well-being. Have you ever really spent much time pondering how you might be able to be a happier person and live a more joyful life? Thich Naht Hanh points out, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness.  If you are attentive you will see it.”    Well this bit of good news is truly encouraging…If we can learn to stay in the present moment. We would do well to remember how

  • MZD - Ep 87 Cultivating Simplicity

    22/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~ Lao Tzu Are you finding it a challenge to keep up with everything that is on your to do list?  Do you ever feel tired and exhausted, overwhelmed, under-satisfied and overworked just so you can pay the bills and find a little happiness in life?  Like Henry David Thoreau, I love a broad margin to my life. Simplicity can mean so many different things to people.  We go searching for it in exterior things.  - “If I could just de-clutter and get rid of all this junk in my life”.  Or, “If I just didn’t have to work two jobs to keep up!”  Or my favorite, “If I could just get away from all this madness to a cabin in the mountains for a weekend.” All of these longings and remedies are wonderful temporary solutions, but the truth is, Simplicity can be had right here, right now, and begins on the inside… Let me ask you, when was the last time you felt the joy of true simplicity in your life?  Was there ever a time when life felt calmer, less demanding,

  • MZD - Ep 86 Cultivating Love

    20/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    “I believe three of the most important words anyone can say are not ‘I love you”, but I hear you’.” ~ Oprah ~ ~ ~ If you want to be your absolute best and function at top performance levels, you need time to pause, reflect, meditate and restore.  If you want to be present and give your absolute best to the ones you love and are depending on you, you can’t afford NOT to take a few minutes of mindful meditation to sharpen your saw and create a strong and healthy internal state that is able to handle any obstacles and stressful, difficult situations that may show up today. Meditation, (in nature especially), helps build your emotional immune system, strengthening it as a shield against knee-jerk reactions to unexpected problems and situations that can cause harm in our relationships.  Regular, daily meditation helps us emotionally disconnect from the problem, rising high enough above the situation to be able to think clearly and react calmly. How many times have you done or said something that you

  • MZD - Ep 85 Cultivating Faith

    19/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    “The capacity to trust and so live with inner peace, contentment, and joy, is a Divinely endowed capacity written into the genetic code of your DNA.” ~ Dr. Steve McSwain Have you ever wished you could live every moment of every day like in joy and simplicity?  What would that feel like?  Well the truth is, you can.  Now some people will say, now wait a minute that’s just not realistic.  And I have to ask, “Why not?” I love the picture of the clock that shows, in place of the numbers 1 through 12, the word “Now”.  It is always “Now” and in this moment, this very moment, there are no problems, only situations.  It is the perfect time to be present.  So, welcome to this moment. If we are living in the moment of perfection, and stay in this moment without straying, (and that is the goal), we will always find peace and joy, and be living the perfect life, now, in the moment. Now in order for this to happen it requires a bit of faith and belief that it is even possible, but faith can be nurtured and grown. 

  • MZD - Ep 84 Cultivating Hope

    15/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.” ~Emily Dickinson   Today we’re going to talk about hope.  What is hope and why is it important? Hope can be a bit complicated in today’s complex world.  Too often when asked if something good or positive is going to happen, we hear people say “I hope so…”, as if it probably won’t, but they’re going to wish for it anyway.  In context of what we are talking about today, wishing and hoping are two very different things.  Wishing is simply a sort of passive desire for a thing or state of being…   Wishing and and Hoping are two very different things. Hope is defined as “the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best”.  Another definition is, “to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence”. Hope is a positive expectancy, a proactive desire to receive.  It is a persistent emotion for the best.  It prepares the soil of the heart t

  • MZD - Ep 83 Cultivating Gratitude

    14/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    “Acknowledging the good you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ~ Eckhart Tolle   It’s a great day to be alive, and it’s a great time to slow down a bit and practice presence and awareness. With Thanksgiving only a couple weeks away, I think it’s appropriate that we revisit the concept of Gratefulness and Appreciation; that we practice cultivating Gratitude.  When we slow down enough to get out of autopilot, and actually stop and look around – while there are probably lots of things we would like to change in the world and especially in our lives - there is way more to be grateful for than to complain about.  It’s all where you put your focus. Having just celebrated Veteran’s Day here in America, I think of these incredible war heroes who come back from serving their country with only half the body parts they left with, and their attitude and focus is on gratitude for being given the opportunity to serve.  They’ve decided to concentrate their energies on what they can do vs

  • MZD - Ep 82 Cultivating Presence

    13/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    “The whole essence of Zen consists of walking along the razor’s edge of Now.” ~ Eckhart Tolle   So how are you doing today? Are you in a good place? In spite of circumstances or any situation you may find yourself in. Even when things are going well, do you sometimes find yourself experiencing an underlying unease or restlessness? Sometimes we find ourselves feeling a certain level of unexplainable anxiety, boredom or nervousness, a background static that is always there. This is our minds in a habitual resistance to the present moment. It is like the hum of an air conditioner or machinery that, when the sound ceases gives enormous relief. The reason our mind doesn’t want to live in the present has to do with our ego, which lives only in the past or the future. The ego, or false, illusory sense of self, as we call it, is often intimately connected with problems as a form of identity. And these problems can only be in the past or in the future, never in the present moment. How crazy is that? Wanting to identif

  • MZD - Ep 81 Plant Something

    11/11/2019 Duration: 14min

    "A seed, dropped into the ground, springs into activity, and in the act of living, produces a hundred more seeds.  Life, by living, multiplies itself.  It is forever becoming more; it must do so to continue to exist.” ~ Wallace Wattles   As you’ve probably begun to notice, this inner tranquility doesn’t just happen automatically.  You’ve got to show up and put yourself in a place where you can receive the benefits of meditation which lead to restoration and relaxation we all so desperately need and deserve.  But the BEST part of mindfulness and meditation, is that it leads to a renewing of the person doing the meditation.  It helps us grow and become a more complete individual, capable of contributing to the world around us in big and small ways to help others and make it a better place than it would be if we had never been awakened and become aware and alive.  Sort of like George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life, who gets a chance to see the difference he made in the lives of those he loved, and the c

  • MZD - Ep 80 Meditating For Energy

    08/11/2019 Duration: 11min

    "Energy and persistence conquer all things." ~ Ben Franklin   Would you like to have more energy for even being able to keep up with your daily tasks? Do you find yourself too tired to enjoy life or even be able to think clearly or keep up with your simple, ordinary everyday tasks? Then it’s time to meditate. Every day you and I are faced with so many energy drains that just tend to suck the ever-lovin’ life out of us, leaving us feel weak and drained – unhealthy relationships, deadlines, traffic, health concerns, budgets and financial worries, and the list goes on.  While much of this is a normal part of everyday life, there are areas where, through taking  initiative and responsibility to affect positive change, we can avoid some of these energy drains altogether. And then there are those other challenges that we just have to deal with, and this takes reserves of energy we may feel we simply don’t have at the moment. This is where time spent relaxing, or exercising in nature, combined with m

  • MZD - Ep 79 - How To Meditate

    06/11/2019 Duration: 11min

    Let’s get back to the basics. Today we’re gonna learn how to meditate. You may be thinking, “This is the 79th episode of MZD and you’re just now telling us how to meditate?! Too often people make a really big deal about meditation, complaining that it’s just way too hard, or discouraging, or that they don’t have enough time to meditate. So we’re going to take a few minutes to squash those objections and then…we’re gonna meditate. J So what is Meditation…really? Well, broken down to its simplest form for our purposes, Meditation is an intentional pause in your day to simply stop all doing and enjoy Being. We do this by simply breathing. “But wait you,” say, “Isn’t that what I do all the time? I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t breathing!” Yes, but are you AWARE of your breathing. Can you slow that busy brain of yours (sometimes called “monkey mind”), down enough to separate yourself from the constant barrage of thoughts long enough to just observe them and allow them to go by without being attached to them? Remind

  • MZD - Ep 78 Showing Up

    05/11/2019 Duration: 11min

    You again?! How do you like being greeted like that? Don’t take it wrong, I’m glad you showed up! In fact it says a lot about your heart and character, your desire to be present, and hunger for personal transformation – that is, making positive changes in your world. The time you take to consistently, show up and start your day with intentional, focused mindfulness, presence and awareness is the most important ten minutes of your day. This sets the tone and direction for your next 24 hours, and the more you show up, and consistently, purposefully spend time meditating in Nature (so to speak), creates new neural pathways in the brain and helps you form new habits, that over time literally change you from the inside out. This is so crucial in being able to handle tough situations and day-to-day stress and anxiety. In my meditation practice, I’ve noticed over time, when rough situations arise that normally would stress me out, now often feel a bit more removed and manageable, as if I am observing them from above

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