Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 90 Cultivating Beauty



“…If you’re down to your final dime, can’t decide what else to buy to be happy You don't need a credit card to give your heart the beauty of the world..." ~ Peter Mayer Well the hustle and bustle of Christmas has come and gone, and it’s the end of another year.  Snowflakes are gently falling outside.   The presents have been opened.  The children are happily playing in the other room, and you sit with the one you love, sipping hot chocolate reading from a book with Currier and Ives prints, in front of the crackling fire, and breathe a deep sigh of contentment.  Sounds like a Netflix Christmas special doesn’t it? So your world doesn’t look like this?  What is it about this scene that appeals to us?  Aside from the peace and quiet that is finally here, what about this setting draws and attracts us like moths to a flame? Is it the beauty?  Beauty is an interesting thing. The preferences and specifics can vary and change to a certain degree, but I think it’s safe to say that we all long for and appre