Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 92 The Drift



Welcome to Mountain Zen Den!   It has been a while, and much has happened since we last met here.   The entire world has changed.  Dramatically!  Yet, while there have been a multitude of anxiety producing events and uncertainty, if you zoom out and look at the big picture, you can see it has actually been a season of opportunity, of renewal, self-reflection, ad growth.  The possibility of change and revision… A “Re – Vision”. Today we're going to talk about what happened. We are not going to get into pandemics or politics or world events, or even masks, or viruses and vaccinations, or anything else that has occurred in the world over the past year. We’ve all had enough of that, and there’s not a thing we can do to change the past. We are here to talk about You.  What happened to you during all of this.  We'll do an honest self-assessment. Maybe you are not sure, and instead have just allowed yourself to drift. There is still hope and healing, light and love, and magic and wonder in Nature and the natural wor