Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 82 Cultivating Presence



“The whole essence of Zen consists of walking along the razor’s edge of Now.” ~ Eckhart Tolle   So how are you doing today? Are you in a good place? In spite of circumstances or any situation you may find yourself in. Even when things are going well, do you sometimes find yourself experiencing an underlying unease or restlessness? Sometimes we find ourselves feeling a certain level of unexplainable anxiety, boredom or nervousness, a background static that is always there. This is our minds in a habitual resistance to the present moment. It is like the hum of an air conditioner or machinery that, when the sound ceases gives enormous relief. The reason our mind doesn’t want to live in the present has to do with our ego, which lives only in the past or the future. The ego, or false, illusory sense of self, as we call it, is often intimately connected with problems as a form of identity. And these problems can only be in the past or in the future, never in the present moment. How crazy is that? Wanting to identif