Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility



Angela Raspass hosts wholehearted conversations with women around the world who are stepping into their Next Chapters for fulfillment and connection in business and life. Listen in for inspiration and practical wisdom from women just like you who are giving themselves permission to listen to their hearts and explore new possibilities with curiosity, courage, and joy. Its your time now - what will unfold in Your Next Chapter?


  • 19 with Kristy Smith: The Secrets of Successful Outsourcing

    20/04/2016 Duration: 36min

    In her first chapters, Kristy Smith was all about service. She worked in hospitality managing teams and organising functions and conferences and in hospital administration, responsible for up to 100 people at a time. Kristy saw first hand how important it was to build relationships and become a trusted, reliable source of information and results. But she also saw how many people, herself included, became stuck and struggling trying to handle everything themselves. It was painfully obvious that potential business growth was often hindered by a lack of capacity and a simple truth – it’s not possible to do it all without help! This realisation shaped Kristy’s Next Chapter, when she wanted both flexibility and fulfilment and decided to start her own business after having her kids. Virtual Elves Outsourcing was born in 2007 from the desire to help small business owners and entrepreneurs escape from the tasks that weigh you down and restrict creative growth. Outsourcing is a big step for many people, and Kristy del

  • 18 with Nikki White: Increasing Personal Productivity

    12/04/2016 Duration: 46min

    Nikki White has always had an exceptional knack for organisation, productivity and getting things done… but this traditional approach has been enriched with a philosophical twist as she has stepped into her own Next Chapter and redefined success on her terms. In the first chapters of her working life Nikki worked as a receptionist and PA, honing her administration skills. Once marriage and children became a part of her story she, like many women, realised that although Corporate life was no longer for her, she wanted and needed to be more than simply a Mum. That’s when she launched Scribes, her Virtual Assistant business from a spare room at home in 2005 and her entrepreneurial adventure began. Fast-forward to today, Nikki has diversified her business, divorced, re-partnered, become a Theta Healer, founded Wellness Hubs Australia, a national networking, training and support Network for Wellness Practitioners across the country and now uses her deep and rich understanding of technology to provide Online Busine

  • 17 with Melissa Jeffcott: Reclaiming Joy and Passion

    05/04/2016 Duration: 39min

    Melissa had one of those moments show up - a doorway into a new possibility opened when she realised that she did not want to go back to her "Before Kids" Corporate life. She asked herself the question "What don't I want to do?" and knew that it was time for her authentic voice to be heard. She took a deep breath, looked at her skills and listened to her heart. This pause and decision to let go of fear (after all, what's the worse that could happen?) and to trust herself led Mel to explore Life Coaching with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. Her Blog and Business, The Other Side of Forty, came to life. "I saw a lot of other women so similar to me" she says, "with corporate backgrounds before having kids and then with all of the demands on them, the joy and passion begin to disappear....". Turning 40 was a real time for me to take stock and decide to start taking care of me, and I wanted to help other women to do the same". This is an inspiring conversation about choices, change and what's involved in starti

  • 16 with Maria Doyle: Creating Quality Learning Experiences

    29/03/2016 Duration: 54min

    Maria Doyle is one of the most passionate women I have ever interviewed. Refreshingly candid, she is completely dedicated to facilitating "Quality Learning Experiences"  that create real change in the world. Maria takes the guesswork out of how to create a powerful learning journey so you can deliver 5-star courses, workshops and presentations. I have personally worked with Maria and experienced her laser focus in helping me to improve the quality of my flagship course for confidence and clarity in a Next Chapter Business, Aligned, and I am excited to be able to share a slice of her expertise with you in this weeks episode. The insights we share in this wholehearted conversation are relevant and hugely valuable to anyone who wants to be a catalyst for change - to help their clients to improve in any area. These core learning principles can be used in online courses, live workshops, coaching, training and more. Like most of us in our Next Chapters, Maria is intent on making a difference with her unique skills

  • 15 with Kylie Patchett: Making Friends with Fear

    22/03/2016 Duration: 51min

    Kylie Patchett had a “chiropractic adjustment of the soul” back in 2012 when her Father passed away and she realised with a jolt that he had lived a life out of obligation and duty, never allowing who he truly was to emerge. She was following in his footsteps and it was not working. But to leave her Corporate role, the security and the prestige of significant achievement, was that a good idea? She felt the fear and did it anyway, and that is a very apt description considering where she focuses her attention and expertise today, helping female entrepreneurs to recognise fear as a normal, healthy response to change and to move through it. As Kylie says 'Bless you Fear, for showing me the edge of my known zone - I'm here to grow, so thank you"! In this Episode Kylie walks you through the most common self-sabotage cycles and shares her ABC method for avoiding getting stuck so you can build the rock solid self belief that allows you to access the field of fluid potential in your business and life. Kylie has provid

  • 14 with Kerry Jeffery: Your life is an inside job

    15/03/2016 Duration: 49min

    It was 2009 when her Mother passed away when Kerry Jeffery paused and took a good look at her own life. She realised that her Mum's life had been quite unfulfilled and that her own was feeling more than a little like "groundhog day". And that's when she decided it was time to change. Kerry had always wanted to work with people, supporting them to become their best selves and so she gave herself full permission to do whatever it was she needed to do to pursue this next chapter in her own life with full authenticity and curiosity. This journey began with becoming a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life" Trainer and has continued ever since as she has gradually added layers of experience and insights. "As an Entrepreneur today there is no mould to follow for many women" says Kerry, "our Mothers and Grandmothers  didn't do this. We need to forge our own true path. We need to be careful not to look outside for validation or approval - this is never permanent. But Self-love and self-approval? Now that's true vaccination again

  • 13 with Larissa Halls: Owning Your Impact

    06/03/2016 Duration: 50min

    Larissa Halls is a woman who has had a profound impact on me personally. One of my Belief Buddies introduced her to me a few years back and I began working with her on a fortnightly basis as my Mindset Coach almost 2 years ago. I know without a doubt that many of my leaps forward in personal and business growth during that time have come as a result of the conversations we have, the way she challenges my perceptions and default thinking. And that's why I was excited to interview Larissa for this weeks episode and to share some of her insights and perspectives with you. Some of the most enlightening work I've done with Larissa, and we discuss these concepts in the episode, is that our voids drive our values and that everything that happens to us can be viewed as BOTH negative and positive - we are to seek balance in our perspectives if we can take the time to pause and evaluate them. As difficult as it can be to find the growth opportunity inherent in a challenge that has knocked you for six, with courage and

  • 12 with Leanne Mulcahy: Dress for your Personality

    29/02/2016 Duration: 34min

    My guest this week, lovely Image Coach Leanne Mulcahy, speaks the wholehearted truth - "Whatever you’re wearing, if you’re not feeling good about who you are when you look in the mirror and think, “Am I worthy of showing up?”, it’s going to be really tough to actually dress that body of yours". That's why I always start from the inside and work my way out with clients whenever I work with them". Self-worth, that topic shows up all over the place doesn't it? That's why it's at the core of my own Next Chapter message! It cuts across everything we do and never more so than when it comes to our personal style, creating a style that is aligned with who we are, so we can show up in the world with authenticity and confidence. Leanne talks of the "dressing for your personality philosophy", letting go of the idea that there are strict style rules to follow and instead, to explore what the woman you have become today wants to express. If you are keen to begin to explore and expand your own Personality Style as you are

  • 11 with Angela Raspass: The Bookends of Your Day

    22/02/2016 Duration: 19min

    How do you start your day? How do you end your day? I'm a big believer in the power of Intention - making a conscious choice to embed a supportive routine into your day. I'm not talking perfection or rigidity here, just a gentle commitment to yourself, to create an atmosphere that sets you up the likelihood of a more successful day, because you have chosen to create a positive headspace, even if you've only managed to take 5 minutes for yourself. In the past I fell into the routine of waking up and immediately rolling over the check my phone for emails. Immediately plunging into headspace of my To Do list. Immediately feeling the pressure descend, the pressure that scattered any lingering remnants of restful slumber! I usually followed that up by arriving at my desk in a rather hyper state after the crazy morning breakfast, lunch boxes, school bus and train run, plunging into my To Do List that had been taunting me since 6am. And the evenings? Quite often I fixated on what I didn't get done and thus the whole

  • 10 with Barb Wade: Making Decisions from Love not Fear

    15/02/2016 Duration: 36min

    In this Episode, Barb Wade and I spoke about a slow nagging, a feeling that asks for your attention as over time, you realise that you are simply not fulfilled in what you are doing, despite the outward achievement or boxes that may be ticked. Little by little, she started realising what she was burning out. That this was not her passion, her hearts desire. That the work just didn’t have doesn’t have real meaning for her. Barb was good at it, and that was gratifying to a certain extent, but it simply lacked meaning and so something, eventually needed to change. And so began her first Next Chapter as she gave herself a slow and steady exploration of what she wanted. The questions she began to ask of herself and encourages you to ask as well include: “Why are you here? Why are you here on this planet? What do you uniquely have to give and to gift other people? What would give your life meaning?” Over the years this remarkable woman has moved from directly reporting to Steven Spielberg, to a role in a prime time

  • 9 with Kellie O'Brien: Soulful Client Pathways

    08/02/2016 Duration: 44min

    Kellie O’Brien is an author, speaker and blogger who specialises in social media and online marketing. She empowers female entrepreneurs to use storytelling and systems to move your most aligned clients from discovery to investment. With 16 years as a journalist, 5 years owning a PR consultancy business, and as a published author and blogger, she lives and breathes story and strategy. Soulful Client Pathways is the alternative name that Kellie has developed to describe what are often called "Sales Funnels" in a traditional internet marketing business model. Although it is absolutely essential to have this step by step journey in place to bring clients into tour business aura, Kellie felt strongly that there was a more wholehearted way of ensuring you attract and connect with the right people at the right time and make the the right offer that meets their needs and thus, Soulful Client Pathways were born. In this episode we explore the key steps involved in building your own Soulful Pathway for your business.

  • 8 with Nicola Wise-Sturt: The Visual Style of Your Business

    01/02/2016 Duration: 45min

    Nicola Wise-Sturt is a graphic designer who helps female entrepreneurs discover and define their unique and magnetic Visual Style in the areas of Work, Home and Fashion. She takes away the ‘fear of doing it wrong’ and brings in an element of fun to creating your personal and professional style and believes it is an ongoing journey that can - and should - organically change as you do. In this Episode we explore how your true Visual Style is a refection of who you are inside - it goes far beyond just your logo, fonts and colours. It's a magnetic and memorable representation of your authenticity and blooms when you let go of what people think. In this Episode Nicola and I explore the questions to pose to yourself to help you uncover your own Visual Style, a style that extends beyond your business and congruently into your home and even into the clothes you wear. Once you have answered these 9 questions you can create your own Visual Style Statement to guide your decisions and style direction from here on in! You

  • 7 with Angela Raspass: Your Captivating Statement

    25/01/2016 Duration: 16min

    Expressing what you do, the outcomes and impact that you provide for your clients in an open hearted and compelling way opens the door to a wholehearted conversation. When your initial description resonates with the listener, when they can feel your enthusiasm, empathy and experience and recognise that what you have to offer just may be exactly what they have been looking for, you have potential alignment. There’s no need to “rote learn” or communicate a sales pitch, you can simply open your heart and share. It is however, often handy to have a framework to utilise that can help you to both build your own confidence and create the connection you seek, without any hiccups or hesitation. In this Episode I share that framework – talking you through how to say what you do in a captivating way so you connect with those people you are most aligned with, the ones you are here to take care of. I also share a fabulous free resource, a guide that steps you through exactly how to craft your own Captivating Statement – a

  • 6 with Lisa Phillips: Building Self-Confidence

    18/01/2016 Duration: 36min

    Like many of us embarking on our Next Chapters, Lisa Phillips was led to her work in the world through personal experience. Though it may be difficult to imagine it now, there was a long period of time in her life where Lisa suffered from a significant lack of self-confidence, where she looked at other people and longed to have their self-belief, where she felt stuck and unhappy and experienced depression, even though things looked good on the outside. Then, a number of events in her own life acted as catalysts that woke her up and prompted her to, as she so eloquently describes, "get out of the back seat and take the steering wheel of her life, no longer prepared to allow fear and doubt, other peoples opinions of what she should do and old stories drive her life". The result? A brilliantly successful and fulfilling Life Coaching business helping other women to do just the same - own their value and build their confidence. In this episode Lisa and I explore the ways in which you can build your own confidence

  • 5 with Angela Raspass: Wholehearted Client Alignment

    11/01/2016 Duration: 22min

    I believe Your Next Chapter business needs to serve you as much as it serves your clients because you will do your best work when you are feeling fulfilled and energised, and that comes far more easily when you are truly connected to the clients you are best equipped to serve and help. People buy not because they understand what you have to sell, but because they feel understood. They invest when they feel your empathy, your certainty and your confidence that you can guide them to the outcome they are seeking.  Everyone needs to move through their own buying cycle and to aid this journey, you need to have a good understanding of the TOMPPA – the “top of mind problem, pain or aspiration” that they have and how you can be the bridge between where they are now and where they want to be. Creating a Most Aligned Snapshot that includes a clear outline of this TOMPPA to refer to whenever you are creating messaging, content or services is a great place to start. Download your Most Aligned Client Snapshot at www.ange

  • 4 with Angela Raspass: The Dream, Believe, Achieve Secrets

    03/01/2016 Duration: 35min

    With Maria Davis. No matter how big your dream, you can bring it to life with clarity, consistency and commitment. Find evidence of your own success in others areas of your life and use that as future fuel as you write your own Permission Statement and get started today!

  • 3 with Angela Raspass: Developing powerful self-belief

    03/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    Self-awareness is one of the keys to developing powerful self-belief - it allows you to make peace with your Inner Critic so you can change the negative dialogue in your head and adopt new, supportive beliefs for next chapter business success.

  • 2 with Angela Raspass: The Value of Your Own Story

    03/01/2016 Duration: 36min

    Your own story needs to be at the core of your business so your potential clients can resonate and connect with you - Emma Grey shows us how to join the conversation already going on in their head...

  • 1 with Angela Raspass: Next Chapter Business Success

    03/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    A Next Chapter Business leverages your life experience and blends it with what your passionate about and skilled at and your desire to make a difference. It often rises from the challenges you've overcome and the lessons you're learned that you can now share.

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