Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

6 with Lisa Phillips: Building Self-Confidence



Like many of us embarking on our Next Chapters, Lisa Phillips was led to her work in the world through personal experience. Though it may be difficult to imagine it now, there was a long period of time in her life where Lisa suffered from a significant lack of self-confidence, where she looked at other people and longed to have their self-belief, where she felt stuck and unhappy and experienced depression, even though things looked good on the outside. Then, a number of events in her own life acted as catalysts that woke her up and prompted her to, as she so eloquently describes, "get out of the back seat and take the steering wheel of her life, no longer prepared to allow fear and doubt, other peoples opinions of what she should do and old stories drive her life". The result? A brilliantly successful and fulfilling Life Coaching business helping other women to do just the same - own their value and build their confidence. In this episode Lisa and I explore the ways in which you can build your own confidence