Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

5 with Angela Raspass: Wholehearted Client Alignment



I believe Your Next Chapter business needs to serve you as much as it serves your clients because you will do your best work when you are feeling fulfilled and energised, and that comes far more easily when you are truly connected to the clients you are best equipped to serve and help. People buy not because they understand what you have to sell, but because they feel understood. They invest when they feel your empathy, your certainty and your confidence that you can guide them to the outcome they are seeking.  Everyone needs to move through their own buying cycle and to aid this journey, you need to have a good understanding of the TOMPPA – the “top of mind problem, pain or aspiration” that they have and how you can be the bridge between where they are now and where they want to be. Creating a Most Aligned Snapshot that includes a clear outline of this TOMPPA to refer to whenever you are creating messaging, content or services is a great place to start. Download your Most Aligned Client Snapshot at www.ange