Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

10 with Barb Wade: Making Decisions from Love not Fear



In this Episode, Barb Wade and I spoke about a slow nagging, a feeling that asks for your attention as over time, you realise that you are simply not fulfilled in what you are doing, despite the outward achievement or boxes that may be ticked. Little by little, she started realising what she was burning out. That this was not her passion, her hearts desire. That the work just didn’t have doesn’t have real meaning for her. Barb was good at it, and that was gratifying to a certain extent, but it simply lacked meaning and so something, eventually needed to change. And so began her first Next Chapter as she gave herself a slow and steady exploration of what she wanted. The questions she began to ask of herself and encourages you to ask as well include: “Why are you here? Why are you here on this planet? What do you uniquely have to give and to gift other people? What would give your life meaning?” Over the years this remarkable woman has moved from directly reporting to Steven Spielberg, to a role in a prime time