Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

7 with Angela Raspass: Your Captivating Statement



Expressing what you do, the outcomes and impact that you provide for your clients in an open hearted and compelling way opens the door to a wholehearted conversation. When your initial description resonates with the listener, when they can feel your enthusiasm, empathy and experience and recognise that what you have to offer just may be exactly what they have been looking for, you have potential alignment. There’s no need to “rote learn” or communicate a sales pitch, you can simply open your heart and share. It is however, often handy to have a framework to utilise that can help you to both build your own confidence and create the connection you seek, without any hiccups or hesitation. In this Episode I share that framework – talking you through how to say what you do in a captivating way so you connect with those people you are most aligned with, the ones you are here to take care of. I also share a fabulous free resource, a guide that steps you through exactly how to craft your own Captivating Statement – a