Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

17 with Melissa Jeffcott: Reclaiming Joy and Passion



Melissa had one of those moments show up - a doorway into a new possibility opened when she realised that she did not want to go back to her "Before Kids" Corporate life. She asked herself the question "What don't I want to do?" and knew that it was time for her authentic voice to be heard. She took a deep breath, looked at her skills and listened to her heart. This pause and decision to let go of fear (after all, what's the worse that could happen?) and to trust herself led Mel to explore Life Coaching with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. Her Blog and Business, The Other Side of Forty, came to life. "I saw a lot of other women so similar to me" she says, "with corporate backgrounds before having kids and then with all of the demands on them, the joy and passion begin to disappear....". Turning 40 was a real time for me to take stock and decide to start taking care of me, and I wanted to help other women to do the same". This is an inspiring conversation about choices, change and what's involved in starti