Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

9 with Kellie O'Brien: Soulful Client Pathways



Kellie O’Brien is an author, speaker and blogger who specialises in social media and online marketing. She empowers female entrepreneurs to use storytelling and systems to move your most aligned clients from discovery to investment. With 16 years as a journalist, 5 years owning a PR consultancy business, and as a published author and blogger, she lives and breathes story and strategy. Soulful Client Pathways is the alternative name that Kellie has developed to describe what are often called "Sales Funnels" in a traditional internet marketing business model. Although it is absolutely essential to have this step by step journey in place to bring clients into tour business aura, Kellie felt strongly that there was a more wholehearted way of ensuring you attract and connect with the right people at the right time and make the the right offer that meets their needs and thus, Soulful Client Pathways were born. In this episode we explore the key steps involved in building your own Soulful Pathway for your business.