Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

14 with Kerry Jeffery: Your life is an inside job



It was 2009 when her Mother passed away when Kerry Jeffery paused and took a good look at her own life. She realised that her Mum's life had been quite unfulfilled and that her own was feeling more than a little like "groundhog day". And that's when she decided it was time to change. Kerry had always wanted to work with people, supporting them to become their best selves and so she gave herself full permission to do whatever it was she needed to do to pursue this next chapter in her own life with full authenticity and curiosity. This journey began with becoming a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life" Trainer and has continued ever since as she has gradually added layers of experience and insights. "As an Entrepreneur today there is no mould to follow for many women" says Kerry, "our Mothers and Grandmothers  didn't do this. We need to forge our own true path. We need to be careful not to look outside for validation or approval - this is never permanent. But Self-love and self-approval? Now that's true vaccination again