Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

15 with Kylie Patchett: Making Friends with Fear



Kylie Patchett had a “chiropractic adjustment of the soul” back in 2012 when her Father passed away and she realised with a jolt that he had lived a life out of obligation and duty, never allowing who he truly was to emerge. She was following in his footsteps and it was not working. But to leave her Corporate role, the security and the prestige of significant achievement, was that a good idea? She felt the fear and did it anyway, and that is a very apt description considering where she focuses her attention and expertise today, helping female entrepreneurs to recognise fear as a normal, healthy response to change and to move through it. As Kylie says 'Bless you Fear, for showing me the edge of my known zone - I'm here to grow, so thank you"! In this Episode Kylie walks you through the most common self-sabotage cycles and shares her ABC method for avoiding getting stuck so you can build the rock solid self belief that allows you to access the field of fluid potential in your business and life. Kylie has provid