Voltaire - O Sonho De Platão E A Aventura Da Memória

Uma seleção de textos literários curtos, intrigantes e curiosos, com fundo filosófico espelhado nas relações entre os personagens e em sua trajetória.

Voltaire - Menon Ou A Sabedoria Humana E Os Dois Consolados

Uma seleção de textos literários curtos, intrigantes e curiosos, com fundo filosófico espelhado nas relações entre os personagens e em sua trajetória.

Tolerância E Dignidade: A Filosofia De Voltaire Em Tempos De Novos Extremismos

O livro introduz demonstrações práticas de intolerância com imigrantes em território brasileiro a fim de demonstrar a preocupação da autora com a violação de Direitos...


Candide by Voltaire. In this splendid book of Voltaire’s satiric masterpiece, all the celebrated wit, irony, and trenchant social commentary of one of the great works of the...

The Man Of Forty Crowns

The causes of our poverty; a poverty which we hide under varnished ceilings, or with the help of our dealers in fashion. We are poor with taste. There are some officers of...

The Sage And The Atheist

John was not twenty years old when he assisted, as a volunteer, at the attack on Mont-Joui, which was captured, and where the Prince of Hesse lost his life. Our poor Johnny was...


A young man, Candide, is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism by his mentor, Professor Pangloss. This lifestyle ends...

Letters Concerning The English Nation

"Letters Concerning the English Nation" is a series of essays written by Voltaire based on his experiences living in England between 1726 and 1729.François-Marie...

The Black And The White

The adventure of the youthful Rustan is generally known throughout the whole province of Candahar. He was the only son of a Mirza of that country. The title of Mirza there is much...

The Princess Of Babylon

The aged Belus, king of Babylon, thought himself the first man upon earth; for all his courtiers told him so, and his historians proved it. We know that his palace and his park,...

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