"In this Sequel to the Saga, Anna Sophia sets out on a mission to save the magical world and her own world, in search of a scroll that may be the last hope of humanity, she will...
Our intention is to follow both the English and the German paradigms, that is, to work in an accessible language (an English tendency) and to think problems through, like Germans...
A Poet of Time and Gold is a collection of sentimental poems and prose about finding your identity and forgiveness in the midst of problems, disillusionment in love and changes...
How many times in life do we attempt to decipher those moments of ecstasy when love happens? This overwhelming feeling surrounding us becomes so real that it gives us the illusory...
THE PARADOXES OF GANGSTER LOVEAdmiration and sexual attraction to men who commit all kinds of crimes is a behavior that leaves no one indifferent, and when some women imbued with...
Este estudo examina o governo de José Sarney, o primeiro após a ditadura militar, o governo de transição "par excellence". Porém, na fase final da redação, ocorreu a...
Este pequeno livro não é um curso de astrofísica, tampouco um estudo acadêmico, mas apenas comentários complementares, em linguagem simples, sobre alguns temas já estudados...
With the rise of digital technology, educators must adapt quickly, especially in higher education. "Pedagogical Resilience, from Class to Digital Room" examines how Brazilian...
In 2022, the 100th anniversary of the so-called "Critical Theory," the antithesis of "Traditional Theory", was celebrated. 100 years ago, the first founding memorandum of the...
Brazil has a very peculiar tax collection power distribution and revenue sharing system, that splits three way the consumption tax, giving taxation powers over goods circulation...