Victor Hugo

Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hattie Tyng Griswold (1842 - 1909) was a...

Os Miseráveis - Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo é uma das mais celebradas personalidades francesas. Foi pensador, crítico, poeta, dramaturgo, romancista, político e artista plástico. Autor de inúmeros poemas,...

Les Misérables By Victor Hugo

Cest un roman historique, social et philosophique dans lequel on retrouve les idéaux du romantisme et ceux de Victor Hugo concernant la nature humaine. Lauteur lui-même accorde...

Victor Hugo Em Busca Da Galáxia Azul

A obra literária Infanto Juvenil é uma ficção científica com mensagens ""sutis"" espiritualistas, narrada de forma dinâmica, que tem por objetivo atrair leitores de diversas...

Les Misérables By Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's Les Misérables is a novel which tells the story of ex-convict Jean Valjean, his struggles and eventual redemption. It's hailed by many critics as not just Victor...

Man Who Laughs, The by HUGO, Victor

The Man Who Laughs is a novel by Victor Hugo, originally published in April 1869 under the French title LHomme qui rit. Also published under the title By Order of the King....

En Voz De Víctor Hugo Rascón Banda

Víctor Hugo Rascón Banda (1948-2008) nació en Uruáchic, en la sierra de Chihuahua, localidad caracterizada por su actividad minera. Obtuvo el doctorado en Derecho en la...

Last Day of a Condemned, The by HUGO, Victor

A man who has been condemned to death writes down his cogitations, feelings and fears while he is waiting for his execution. He does not betray his name to the reader or what he...

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The by HUGO, Victor

One of the great literary tragedies of all time, The Hunchback of Notre Dame features some of the most well-known characters in all of fiction - Quasimodo, the hideously deformed...

Cantos para meus netos - poemas de Victor Hugo

"Observando e admirando a infância, Victor Hugo misturou palavras, juntou versos, criou estrofes. O grande poeta e romancista francês brincava de poesia. Assim, escreveu...

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