Pagesos I Senyors

Les obres que van situar Theodor Kallifatides com un dels grans escriptors europeus de la segona meitat del segle xx van ser les seves tres novel·les Pagesos i senyors (1973),...

Theobros Podcast

Two brothers exploring theology and it's intersection with culture. Profound and sometimes humorous commentary on the christian faith and how it relates to our lives and the wider...

Design Time With Theodore

Welcome to the Theodore podcast, where I talk about all things creative from graphic to web design.

Jennie Gerhardt by DREISER, Theodore

This is a story of an innocent, caring, beautiful young girl from and extremely poor family who throughout her life is drawn into affairs with two different men from a much higher...

Financier, The by DREISER, Theodore

In Philadelphia, Frank Cowperwood, whose father is a banker, makes his first money by buying cheap soaps on the market and selling it back with profit to a grocer. Later, he gets...

Titan, The by DREISER, Theodore

Cowperwood moves to Chicago with his new wife Aileen. He decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other...

Methods To Improve Your Intelligence Bundle, 2 In 1 Bundle: Executive Intelligence And Silent Intelligence

Methods to Improve Your Intelligence Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Executive Intelligence and Silent IntelligenceHow many times have we wished to be smarter? We wanted to be better at...

Lexus: Theodora, The Workers - Erotic Dystopia

Like all 18-year olds, Theodora is waiting anxiously to be assigned her role and given her identity. She dreams of becoming a Worker, of joining the elite and discovering a life...

Antisocial Commentary With Theadora Kelly

AntiSocial Commentary streams live on Fridays at 3:00 pm (PST) at: Commentary is a mixed bag of opinions, stories and...

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