
Welcome to the Mars podcast, where amazing things happen.

Do Mar

Maria mora numa aldeia de pescadores, e vive encantada pelo mar. Um dia, contrariando a tradição de só haver homens pescando em alto-mar, Maria enfrenta o preconceito de toda a...

Do Mar

Se puser a imagem de lado, a memória se dará em lenta e espumosa maresia. Cada passo de nossas sensações parece comunicar o que chega em nossas "praias". Assim, tudo e...

Além Mar

Espírito aventureiro é o que não falta no conto que deu nome ao livro. O conto Além Mar, aborda a força da fé e da coragem do homem do mar. Do pescador, que como os...


this podcast is going to be me talking about living on mars for 6 months

Mars Ascend-humans To Mars And Beyond

We're traveling to Mars to live there. It represents an opportunity for humans to start anew while asking the hard questions about who we are and who we want to become. Mars...

A Princess Of Mars

The first in Edgar Rice Burrough's Science Fantasy Barsoom series. A Princess of Mars introduces former Civil War captain John Carter, who through mysterious means finds himself...

A Princess Of Mars

Captain John Carter of the Virginia Cavalry finds himself transported to Mars, and is immediately captured by the great and fierce Thark, Tars Tarkas. While still in captivity, he...

Colony One Mars

All contact is lost with the first human colony on Mars during a long and destructive sandstorm. Satellite imagery of the aftermath shows extensive damage to the facility. The...

A Princess Of Mars

A Princess of Mars (1912) is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. Full of swordplay and daring feats, the novel is considered a...

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