Gyan Sarita (rivers Of Knowledge)

Hindi songs that tell the story of life and soul. The beautiful lyrics in Volume II of our favourite Hindi songs provide a powerful beacon to guide our thoughts to greater...

O Sertão Como Dado, São Saruê Como Aspiração: O Documentário "o País De São Saruê", Entre A Utopia E A Política

Um silêncio forçado. Sete anos de interdição (1971-1978) pelo Serviço de Censura e Diversões Públicas do regime militar implantado em 1964. Vinte e cinco anos para...

Janusz Korczak: Uma Vida Em Defesa Da Infância

No início do século 20, quando a educação de crianças ainda apresentava características medievais – castigos físicos, humilhações de toda sorte e um grande descaso para...

Dmitri Sarle

Challenging the concept of entrepreneurship and what it is all about. Self-development through work.

Lumo & Sarge

Sports & Entertainment presenter

Sarge Approved

Sarge and Frenzey have regular guests ranging from Stand Up Comedians, Actors/Actresses, Musicians, Authors, Martial Arts Experts, Military Veterans, Survival Experts, and more!

Lumo & Sarge

Podcast by Chris Iwelumo & Jonty Sargeant

Random Shyt From Big Sarge

I speak the TRUTH the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH...Oh and make people mad in the process...


Welcome to the Evangelist Sardia podcast, where I speak about God and his word. About life and trusting in God to lead you . Im young but Im in Love with my savior

Sarath Vasiraju

About the actual things that matter ,having understood that 99 percent of the things around us don't matter.

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