Bringing Up Baby Foxes

A scientists helps arctic-fox researchers discover that some foxes share dens and some mother foxes mate with more than one male fox to give their offspring the highest chance of...

Exploding Stars Turn Red

Astronomers observe the formation of a red nova which occurs when two stars merge and explode.

Why Do Cliff Swallows Live Together?

Scientists have learned why these birds live in colonies.

Champions of Hibernation

This article is about fat dormice or "seven sleepers" animals related to squirrels. They hibernate for seven or eight months of the year slowing their breathing and heart rates to...

Under the Ice

Describes how Weddell seals live on and under Antarctic ice.

What's a Bear to Eat

Learn why people food makes a dangerous diet for bears.

When Do Monkeys Talk

A scientist discovered that monkeys can control the sounds they make--they seem to know when to keep quiet and when to call in the family.

Alta Performance: Faça Mais Com Menos

Esta história de superação acontece no sertão nordestino, onde um menino de pés descalços consegue se superar e vencer na vida somente com muito estudo e trabalho.Prepare-se...

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