Penélope Africana: Romance

Penélope Africana é um romance moderno, corajoso, histórico e imaginativo, que transita entre realidade e fantasia. O autor escreve sobre um Brasil escravocrata e cruel, sem...

El Racó De Penélope

Zinc Peris emprèn un viatge, un llarg viatge de pocs quilòmetres de distància, des d'un barri de València fins al Perelló, un poble de la costa on els pares han decidit obrir...

Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage

Those who live a high-performance life have figured out how to consistently bring their best...Their A-Game...To the most important areas of life. On The A-Game Advantage Podcast...

Ben & Ben & The Criterion

Two Austin knuckleheads watch and discuss movies from the Criterion Collection, as well as anything else that distracts them!

Elliot P - 3.14

Subscribe & Share DJ Elliot P New PodcastAbonnez vous et partagez !!

Bonsoir Elliot, A Mr. Robot Podcast

Bonsoir Elliot is a Mr. Robot podcast where Josh and Alex recap each episode

Tea: Tessa And Elliot Argue

Tessa and Elliot find bizarre stories to share with each other, while giving you a look into their marriage.

Dj Elliot Dehoyos Presents ::tribe::

Elliot DeHoyos has been charming dance floors for the last 20 years. Weaving incredible rhythms with lush basslines and interesting vocals has been a formula that keeps the...

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