Sensei Said So Podcast

~You are now about to be tuned in to "Sensei Said So."~ The voices you will hear are from recording artists and cultural critics V.O. Sensei and Shadø. They will be discussing...

Sensei And The Geek

The Podcast that explores expat life in Japan through the experiences of two Canadian longtime friends, who own businesses in Japan.

Howzit Japanese By Pooru Sensei

My name is Paul Heidt, or Pooru Sensei for short/long. Japanese tutor at your service!

Sensei And Dave

One Ninja. One Comedian. Infinite directions. Each week Sensei and Dave chat bujinkan, traditional martial arts, the legend of the ninja, comedy, guests and pop culture all...

Joel Coen And Ethan Coen: Meet The Filmmaker

Directors Joel Coen and Ethan Coen discuss “Inside Llewyn Davis,” their new film about a week in the life of a young singer navigating the 1961 Greenwich Village folk scene....

Trono Para Una Monja

La baronesa, Louise Shorensen, ha conseguido la inmortalidad que tanto anhelaba. Pero su dicha se ve truncada por la presencia de una competidora, inteligente, atrevida: una monja...

Learn Japanese W/ Manga Sensei

Learn Japanese 365 days a year with easy to understand grammar explanations, language hacks, and tips and tricks from the pros.

Podcast Van Coen Swijnenberg

Naast de Coen en Sander show op Radio 538 heb ik een podcast opgezet. Volg m'n eerste stappen op het gebied van podcasten!

Aprender Japonés Con Takeshi Sensei

Programa en español para el aprendizaje del idioma japonés mediante mini cápsulas de menos de 10 minutos de duración.Dividiremos el programa en tres niveles: inicial,...

La Vida Y Muerte De La Monja De Portugal

La vida y la muerte de la monja de Portugal es una comedia teatral de corte religioso del dramaturgo Antonio Mira de Amescua. La trama se articula en torno a la vida de sor María...

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