Moore College

Moore College of Art & Design prepares students for lifelong learning and leadership in the fine arts, design arts, art history, art education and curatorial studies. As the first...

Icr: Issues In Interpretation By Mark Moore

Mark is the Director of the Institute for Christian Resources as well as a professor of New Testament at Ozark Christian College since 1990. He teaches the Life of Christ, Acts...

Icr: Acts Semester 1 By Mark Moore

Mark is the Director of the Institute for Christian Resources as well as a professor of New Testament at Ozark Christian College since 1990. He teaches the Life of Christ, Acts...

Den Berg Erklimmen

Ein verzweifelter Traum führt einen jungen Mann dazu, ein Risiko einzugehen. Der heilige Berg ist einfach seine letzte Hoffnung auf Erfolg.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Berg En Dal

Pat Donnez gaat met zijn gast een zeer persoonlijke tour de force aan. Te vertrekken vanop een berg, of vanuit een dal.

Timothy Steward

sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ

Moore Or Less With Marcus Moore

If it's about pop culture or relationships, then it's being discussed on this lively, fast paced talk show, Moore or Less with Marcus Moore

Moore College Annual Moore College Lectures

Moore College is a community of men and women who long to see faithful ministry which honours the Lord Jesus Christ in all the world.

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