K For Kara 13 - Is Anyone There?

Kara and her class are having a sleepover at the school. They are all looking forward to it. Julie brought a game called "The spirit in the glass." She says it can help you talk...

K For Kara 5 - All For One!

Malou is not allowed in the boys‘ hideout. They think she smells. Kara thinks the boys are really mean. But what should she do?This is the fifth book about Kara and her friends....

Loves Me/loves Me Not 1 - Me And Alexander

It‘s happening now. Alexander is asking Ida if she wants to be his girlfriend. Even though I really fancy him, I cross my fingers and hope that Ida says yes. That would be best....

K For Kara 2 - Do You Want To Be My Girlfriend?

Kara is in love with Benjamin. She has a present for him. One day, she gets a text from Benjamin. Kara is happy. But when Rose gets the same text, it all turns into a mess. And...

K For Kara 14: Am I Fat, Mom?

Julie invites the class to her birthday party. They are going to the pool. Afterwards, they are having pizza. Rose asks if there is anything other than pizza, because she does not...

Lucy Gets A Puppy

Lucy is finally getting a puppy. It’s cute, and she and her friend Emma are looking forward to playing with it. But it jumps up and bites. Perhaps getting a puppy isn’t as...

Me Quiere/no Me Quiere 2: Marco Y Yo

"Cuando llego a casa, me pongo a saltar por todo el salón, escuchando música a todo volumen. Bailo como una salvaje, grito la letra de las canciones, salto en el sofá y siento...

C De Clara 15 - Una Foto Prohibida

Hoy es un día muy esperado para Clara y sus amigos: vendrá el fotógrafo a hacerles la sesión anual de fotos de la clase. Este año es especial porque además de la tradicional...

C De Clara 10 - La Chica Estrella

Clara y sus amigas se han apuntado al grupo de teatro del club, y aunque es algo que nunca antes había hecho, Clara tiene tantas ganas como Julia (quien sí que tiene claro que...

C De Clara 11 - ¿amigos?

La llegada de Nicolás, el chico nuevo de la clase, está dando mucho que hablar a Clara y sus amigas. Lejos de estar nervioso, Nicolas parece muy sociable y simpático con...

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