Astrophil and Stella by SIDNEY, Sir Philip

Astrophil and Stella is a sonnet sequence written by Philip Sidney, an Elizabethan poet and courtier. It details the frustrated love of Astrophil (whose name means star-lover) for...

Skitsnack Med Stella Och Karolina

Podcast by Skitsnack med Stella och Karolina

Sam Numit: La Guitarra De John Lennon

En la primera saga de sus aventuras, el detective Sam Numit se verá abocado a la investigación de las circunstancias que rodean la muerte de Frank Powell, el cantante que le...

Dave Hill: History Fluffer (with Dave Hill, Jim Biederman & Jodi Lennon)

Comedian Dave Hill gives his first-person account of different periods throughout history while Jim Biederman and Jodi Lennon call bullsh*t on most of what he's saying.Recorded...

Sam Numit: La Guitarra D'en John Lennon

A la primera saga de les seves aventures, el detectiu Sam Numit es veurà abocat a la recerca de les circumstàncies que envolten la mort d’en Frank Powell, el cantant que el va...

100 Habits Mit Jennifer Stella Hess

Ich bin Jennifer Stella Hess und helfe dir dabei, dein Leben wieder in die Hand zu nehmen - damit du dich wieder selbstbewusst, unabhängig und stark fühlst.Sag mal meine Liebe,...

Robert Ben Garant & Thom Lennon: Meet The Authors

Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon have made over a billion dollars for the Hollywood studios, banked bushels of cash for themselves, and earned the love and respect of film...

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