Oxen, The by HARDY, Thomas

LibriVox volunteers bring you seven different recordings of The Oxen, by Thomas Hardy. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of December 17th, 2006.

Woodlanders, The by HARDY, Thomas

The story takes place in a small woodland village called Little Hintock, and concerns the efforts of an honest woodsman, Giles Winterborne, to marry his childhood sweetheart,...

Well-Beloved, The by HARDY, Thomas

The Well-Beloved tells the story of Jocelyn Pierston and his love for three generations of women - the grandmother, her daughter and grand-daughter over a period of forty years....

Woodpeckers, The by ECKSTORM, Fannie Hardy

The Woodpeckers is a wonderful introduction to the world of bird study for the young naturalist, covering such topics as how he finds food, courting, how he builds his nest, the...

Social Media Business Audio By Laurel Papworth

Audio version of Social Media Business podcast - the Business of being Social.

Laurel Church Of Christ - Spring/summer 2017

Sermons and Bible Studies for the Spring and Summer Quarters of 2017

Can We Still Talk? With Laurel A. Berryman

In the chaos of this age of social media, our political climate, and the countrys historical inability to digest contrary beliefs and ideas, it is more important than ever that we...

Extra With Doug Hardy

Here on Extra no topic is off limits. Doug will look to tell stories, host interviews and play some music. Doug is a veteran radio host and brings entertaining thoughts and...

Jude the Obscure by HARDY, Thomas

Jude the Obscure is the last of Thomas Hardys novels, begun as a magazine serial and first published in book form in 1895. Its hero Jude Fawley is a lower-class young man who...

La Oliva Y El Laurel

La oliva y el laurel es un poema laudatorio en forma de alegoría encargado a José Zorrilla como obsequio hacia la Reina Isabel II de España en las fiestas de su proclamación...

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