Prelude To World War Iii

In the not-too-distant future, the United States loses its status as a world Superpower. With the military cut to a barebones level and American leaders focused solely on the...

Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man

"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the intellectual and religious...


"Dubliners" is a collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce, which was first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around...

30 Passive Income Ideas: How To Take Charge Of Your Life And Build Your Residual Income Portfolio (edition 3 - Updated & Expanded)

30 Passive Income Ideas: How to take charge of your life and build your residual income portfolio (Edition 3 - Updated & Expanded)* Do you find yourself constantly working hard...

The Devil's Den Volume 3 (brody Martin's Adventures)

Indian Territory, 1881. Brody Martin, at 15, has survived a gunpowder explosion, a bear attack, a panther attack, and more than one attempt on his life. But now he is wanted in...

The Devil's Backbone (brody's Adventures Book 1)

Family friendly action and adventure set in 1880- The crops have failed and his family is starving, so fourteen year-old Brody slips out into the early morning darkness, desperate...


A stranger rides across the Kentish countryside when his attention is called to a cottage where violence is being done to an elderly couple. The knight, for such he appears to be,...

Success Express Lane: Your Roadmap To Personal Achievement

“Success does not crash parties. It must be courted, impressed, invited; drawn to you through passion and hard work.”You are the only person who can put up a roadblock to your...

The Convict

As young Lord Hadley and his companion Edward Dudley travel along a dark, coastal road, they encounter a young girl pinioned by a fallen wall. They rescue her and alert her...

Empath: 3 Manuscripts - The Ultimate Guide To Understanding And Embracing Your Gift, Meditation Techniques To Clear Your Energy, Guide To Handling Toxic Relationships

This book Includes:• Empath: How to Thrive in Life as a Highly Sensitive - The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Embracing Your Gift• Empath: How to Thrive in Life as a...

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