Le Ultime Lettere Di Jacopo Ortis

Nelle Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis Foscolo esprime in questo capolavoro la sua biografia personale, con tutto il suo stile movimentato e dando voce agli slanci enfatici e...

Murders In Italy

The incredible story of the two italian most high-profiles cases in recent history: the story of the Monster of Florence, a serial killer who targeted unmarried couples and...

La Stanza Dei Mille Volti: Dalle Cronache Di Mastro Jacopo

Anno 1200 circa. Jacopo è un giovane apprendista presso il leggendario Monastero del Sacro Speco di Subiaco. Un'oscura leggenda circonda l'eremo in cima alla...

Card. Giacomo Biffi - 1 - L'enigma Dell'esistenza E L'avvenimento Cristiano - Corso Inusuale Di Catechesi

Ti benedico, o Padre, Signore del cielo e della terra, perché hai tenuto nascoste queste cose ai sapienti e agli intelligenti e le hai rivelate ai piccoli (Mt 11, 25)

Peevish Penman Podcast

Podcast for the Peevish Penman blog with host, Morgan Barnhart. Information for writers.

Brownson The Penman

Welcome to Brownson The PenmAn podcast, where you are fed with live Spoken words and motivational speeches, which will help heal the nations.

Lust Classics: Casanova Volume 6 - Spanish Passions

Having spent years scamming people, getting arrested, escaping justice and generally causing havoc on the continent of Europe, Casanova is looking around and finding that he is...

Lust Classics: The Memoirs Of Casanova

"I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character..." These highly amusing memoirs by notorious womanizer Giacomo Casanova are quite possibly the...

Lust Classics: Casanova Volume 1 - Venetian Years

"I could not procure a more agreeable pastime than to relate my own adventures, and to cause pleasant laughter amongst the good company listening to me."In this first volume of...

3x Speed Writing: How To Write A 100-page Book In 10 Hours Even If You Start From Scratch And Have No Time

Bestseller? Yes, after reading this text you would have learned how to write a book from scratch and how to become a bestseller author.In this book you will discover: How to write...

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