Perpetual Chess Podcast

Perpetual Chess features weekly conversations with the Chess World's best players, promoters, and educators about their lives, careers, current projects, and best practices....

Perpetual Sports Talk

Two dudes talking about sports in a bar.

Chester The Madman

Chester finds himself forced to take part in a project he can no longer turn his back on, destiny has already paved his way and all he can do is to follow it, if he wants to...

Elizabeth Irvine

Join me for a guided relaxation. If you can carve out just fifteen minutes a day to do a guided relaxation you will begin to see a difference in your lifethings like- increased...

Sbs French - Sbs En Français

Listen to interviews, features and community stories from the SBS Radio French program, including news from Australia and around the world. - Écoutez nos entrevues, reportages et...

Hector and Acadia

Hector e Acadia vivem em ambientes distintos. Hector é uma lagarta faminta que vive em busca de suas folhas. Acadia é uma borboleta rosada que vive voando sobre as árvores....


daily news updates on France

Mo & Adam's Perpetual Playlist

A weekly radio broadcast on WRLR in Lake County, IL. Each week, we pick a new theme and build a unique playlist around it, featuring great songs from a wide variety of genres,...

Francis I: The Maker Of Modern France

The bestselling author of Catherine de Medici returns to sixteenth-century Europe in this evocative and entertaining biography that recreates a remarkable era of French history...

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