Building a School

Kids who didn't know each other joined together to build a school in their new village in Africa.

Building Beaver Dams

"Human beavers" are scientists and field workers who build "starter dams" to improve damaged stream habitats and encourage beavers to settle there.

Dogs at Work

Dogs have many ways to show that they are "man's best friend."

Down a Wombat Hole

Meet a scientist who has fun studying hairy-nosed wombats in Australia.

How to Find a Tortoise Nest

See how scientists find and study baby turtles.

Inventing Tiny Ears

Scientists are developing microsensors to detect electrical sparks.

Jack and Billy

A boy's caring attention helps heal a horse's foot.

Leonardo's Mysterious Lady

This article discusses a portrait by daVinci called "Lady with an Ermine" along with the detective work by scholars who deduced the identity of the subject.

Living with Pigs

The Eberly sisters help raise pigs on their parents' farm.

Making the Most of Your Moment

Not everyone on a team can be a star but every player can contribute.

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