Return of Alfred, The by JENKINS, Herbert George

The hero of the book is at a loose end, weary and bored of his old life after returning from the Great War. After an argument with his uncle and a railway strike he finds himself...

China And The Chinese By Herbert Allen Giles

Herbert Allen Giles (1845-1935) spent several years as a diplomat in China and in 1897 was appointed Cambridge Universitys second professor of Chinese. His published works cover...

Educação Para Um Novo Princípio De Realidade: Contribuições Da Filosofia De Herbert Marcuse

Não há sociedade organizada que não viva sob um sistema. Este livro quer trazer ao debate a questão de como a educação pode contribuir para superar a mais repressão contida...

Summary Of The Like Switch: An Ex-fbi Agent's Guide To Influencing, Attracting, And Winning People Over By Jack Schafer Phd: Key Takeaways, Summary & Analysis Included

The Like Switch was published in 2015 by former FBI agent and psychologist Jack Schafer. Schafer offers tips and tools you can use to make other people instantly like you. This...

Kann Man Wirklich Mit Seinen Tipps In Nur 7 Jahren Millionär Werden? : Hat Bodo Schäfer Recht?

Der Autor Bodo Schäfer hat mit seinem Buch “Der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit: Ihre erste Million in 7 Jahren” viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Ist es aber wirklich...

A noção de sujeito de sociabilidade em george herbert mead: contribuições para uma releitura étnico-cultural do contexto educacional brasileiro

Interações sociais vividas pelo sujeito podem favorecer tanto o desenvolvimento de valores éticos quanto a sua degradação moral e social. Mead reflete sobre o importante...

Herbert's Wormhole

Herbert Slewg and his hapless, video game–addicted neighbor Alex Filby have stumbled upon what Einstein could only theorize about: a wormhole through the space/time...

Lies With Sara Schaefer

On the surface, LIES sounds like just another interview show. But host Sara Schaefer demands something different from her guests: everything they say has to be a lie. In a world...

Scapers Podcast

Where we talk about anything and everything Australian photography related

Der Halb-marathon-mann (gekürzt)

Rimbach verliebt sich in Julia - eine Frau, die eigentlich eine Nummer zu groß für ihn ist. Um sie zu erobern und sich als ihr Traummann zu inszenieren, ruft er das Projekt...

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