The Temptation Of St. Antony: A Revelation Of The Soul

The story details one night in the life of Anthony the Great where Anthony is faced with great temptations, and it was inspired by the painting, which he saw at the Balbi Palace...

A Simple Soul

A Simple Soul is a literary work written by Gustave Flaubert in 1877. It’s the story of Madame Aubain who was envied by her neighbors for her maid Felicite . Felicite worked...

Sentimental Education

"Sentimental Education" is a novel by Gustave Flaubert, that is considered one of the most influential novels of the 19th century.Gustave Flaubert (12 December 1821...

Sentimental Education

The novel describes the life of a young man living through the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the Second French Empire, and his love for an older woman. Flaubert based...

Madame Bovary

Emma é uma mulher sonhadora, uma pequeno-bur­guesa criada no campo que aprendeu a ver a vida através da literatura senti­men­tal. Bonita e requintada para os padrões...

La Señora Bovary

«Yo celebro que Emma Bovary –ha escrito Vargas Llosa– en vez de sofocar sus sentidos tratara de colmarlos, que no tuviera escrúpulo en confundir el cul y el coeur, que, de...

Madame Bovary: Flaubert

Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert es una cautivadora novela ambientada en el siglo XIX en Francia. Narra la historia de Emma Bovary, una mujer impulsada por ideales románticos y...

Un Corazón Simple

Un corazón simple cuenta la historia de una modesta criada en la Normandía rural del siglo XIX. Félicité es una mujer que vive feliz y satisfecha a pesar de que sus sucesivas...

Bouvard Y Pécuchet

Bouvard et Pécuchet es una obra satírica sin terminar por Gustave Flaubert , publicada en 1881 después de su muerte en 1880.Aunque fue concebido en 1863 como...

Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary è il primo romanzo di Gustave Flaubert. Appena pubblicato fu messo sotto inchiesta per "oltraggio alla morale", ma grazie all'assoluzione del 7...

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