A Menina do Vale 2

Depois de sete anos morando nos Estados Unidos, Bel Pesce voltou ao Brasil e decidiu focar seu trabalho na educação de milhares de jovens, fundando a FazINOVA, com a missão de...

A Menina do Vale: Como o Empreendedorismo Pode Mudar sua Vida

Bel sempre foi obcecada por conhecimento. Quando se mudou para o Vale do Silício, na Califórnia, em 2009, passou a se dedicar ao empreendedorismo. Desde então, sua energia...

Peace Be Unto You

"And as they thus spoke. . . Peace be unto you." Luke 24:36.WE like to know how a person used to act, for we think we can infer from that how he will act. That is not always...


Trygaeus, a middle-aged Athenian, miraculously brings about a peaceful end to the Peloponnesian War, thereby earning the gratitude of farmers while bankrupting various tradesmen...


Our definitions of peace


After a year of secrets and scandal, will this Amish community finally find peace under the bright promise of Christmas?Beth Byler has a secret. Ever since she met Englischer...

Peace Empress

Welcome to the Peace empress podcast, where amazing things happen.

On Peace

Experts from the U.S. Institute of Peace tackle the latest foreign policy issues from around the world in this weekly podcast. Sponsored by USIP and Sirius XM.


Play comes naturally when we live authentically. Play opens the door to creativity. Learn the 'Art of Playing in the Everyday' from Mary Alice, creator of Play=Peace. Register to...

Peace Zone

Podcast by Massachusetts Peace Action

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