Is Mars Habitable?

"Few persons except astronomers fully realise that of all the planets of the Solar system the only one whose solid surface has been seen with certainty is Mars."In 1907, Alfred...

Calibre Echo

Calibre Echo is our amazing bi-annual newsletter. Providing the latest news on what's happening at Calibre as well as providing insightful articles and interviews. A listening...

Cut & Caliber

An Entertaining Look at Men's Lifestyle

Cuba Calabar Radio

Music from Abakua traditions and examples of Abakua culture in Cuban popular/contemporary music. Expe traditions expressed in the music of Calabar, Nigeria and Cameroon.

Full Caliber Podcast

Are you prepared right now to obtain or are you already prepared with your own food? Clothing? Shelter and security for a night? A week? A month or year? The goal of this podcast...

Forty Caliber Fitness

Forty Caliber Fitness is about you, the tactical athlete. Police, Fire, Military, EMS... we discuss fitness in and around these professions and scale those concepts for everyday...

Calibre Audio Library

Our audio books bring the pleasure of reading to people who have sight problems, dyslexia or other disabilities that prevent them reading a print book. Our charity offers a wide...

Michael Calfan - Treasured Tapes

The Official Account of the Treasured Tape by @michaelcalfanDOWNLOAD TREASURED TAPE ON ITUNES HERE :...

32 Caliber by MCGIBENY, Donald

A suspicious accident reveals itself to be a murder! Our story is narrated by a lawyer who turns detective in order to uncover the real murderer, and leads us on a chase through...

"cafecito" With Ana Cabán

Fitness & Lifestyle Personality/Wealth& Wellness Coach, Ana Cabán, has changed the lives of millions with her award-winning bilingual fitness DVDs, found in over 70,000 major...

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