There is a divine plan for each one. To miss what that is for us, is tragedy; to attain it, is what we call success. In a very practical, understandable and attainable way, this...
This audiobook is about the art of making your wishes come true. It reveals the mechanism underlying the materialization of your every desire. A simple but extremely effective...
Ask and it will be given to you, but ask with the conviction that you have already received it - and with gratitude in your heart your prayers will be heard!
Four brothers, each bearing the name of Maui, belong to Hawaiian legend. They accomplished little as a family, except on special occasions when the youngest of the household...
Table of Contentsby way of introductionThe state of tranceSome are more suggestibleAsleep, or not asleep?The cataleptic testThe reluctant subjectNo rude awakeningIllusions,...
On Guard: Mark Mallory's Celebration" is a military tale by the iconic author, Upton Sinclair. It gives insight into life as a cadet at West Point.
The Adventures of Pinocchio is a book for children by Italian author Carlo Collodi, written in Florence. The first half was originally a serial in 1881 and 1882, and then later...
Freud's timeless lectures on psychoanalytic thought, dream interpretation, and his theory of the neuroses are presented here in their authoritative translation to English by...
“100%” tells the story of Peter Gudge, a poor young man who becomes embroiled in industrial spying and sabotage. Said to be based upon a real case of a bombing in San...
Diario immaginario di un bambino di quarta elementare, Cuore narra gli episodi lieti e tristi di un intero anno scolastico, inframmezzati da nove racconti esemplari in forma di...