How To Cultivate Your Mental Garden

Friends, last week we talked about how to plant your mental garden, and as you know, after we have planted a garden we must cultivate it. We must keep it free from weeds. In the...

How To Solve Your Problems

Did you ever stop to think that the human mind is the only thing you know of that can comprehend the meaning of life? This means that somewhere back in your mind there is a place...

Acres Of Diamonds

In this country of ours every man has the opportunity to make more of himself than he does in his own environment, with his own skill, with his own energy, and with his own...

Pray & Prosper

We pray either to an Infinite Mind or an Omnipotent Power. Prayer is always some form of communion with the Universal. It reaches its highest possibility when it rises above the...

How To Stop Worrying

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could learn to stop worrying? You and I know how futile it is to fuss and fret and nine times out of ten when we ask ourselves why are we so...