In Return to Jalna, the Whiteoak family reunites after a year of separation. Piers, Renny, and Wakefield return in 1943 during the Second World War. Finch has been off on a...
When Renny Whiteoak came home from the war he discovered many strange things at Jalna. Not least among them was his young brother Eden’s romantic affair with an attractive...
In Renny’s Daughter, Adeline Whiteoak is voyaging overseas. It is now 1948, and she travels with her Uncle Finch and cousin Maurice to Ireland and then London. On the ship...
The international bestselling story of the Whiteoaks, the unforgettable southern Ontario family who live in a red-brick house called Jalna.
In The Whiteoak Brothers, the Jalna household is electric with secrecy and excited expectation. It is now 1923, and while young love blossoms between Pheasant and Piers, Aunt...
Maitland Fitzturgis and his sister, Sylvia Fleming, travel from Ireland for his official acceptance by the family as Adeline’s husband. Finch and Maurice also return, and...
From the author of the Jalna series comes the tale of three motherless young boys sent away by their father to boarding school while he travels the world. The boys’...
Whiteoak Harvest chronicles the 1930s saga of Renny Whiteoak and his wife, Alayne. Finch Whiteoak and wife, Sarah, return from their honeymoon to upset the Jalna household with...
Renny attempts to carry on the family tradition after the death of his grandfather. He faces a financial crisis in the effort to keep the estate intact.
The Jalna series is a 16-novel family saga about the Whiteoak family. First published in 1927, Jalna won the Atlantic Monthly Press’s first $10,000 Atlantic Prize Novel...