In the final years of World War II, the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to Roswell, New Mexico, teenagers Antonio and Sixtus. She entrusts them to deliver a letter to a scientist...
Weird Santa & other Xmas Tales is magic realism with a dash of erotic spiciness. The ten independent stories in this collection range from “A Doggie’s Tale,” a...
“The Magic of Kindness” is magic realism with a dash of erotic spiciness. Like the author’s previous collection of tales, it is a “novel in short stories.” The eight...
Shoot Me, Jesus is a “novel in short stories,” what writer Jane Lawless called “erotic magic realism with a Southwestern spiciness.” Humor is an essential element of each...
Lucifer, to escape the cold of a northern New Mexico winter, steps into an old adobe church, intruding on a baptism. By insinuating himself into the boy’s and sponsors’...