The Grumman F4F Wildcat was a single-engine fighter embarked to media wing developed by the US Air Force Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation in the late thirties; produced...
The Macchi M.C.200 "Saetta" was a single-engine low-wing fighter aircraft developed by the Italian aeronautical company Aeronautica Macchi in the 1930s. He made his...
From the earliest days of his dictatorship, Saddam Hussein had vowed to destroy Israel. So when France sold Iraq a top-of-the-line nuclear reactor in 1975, the Israelis were...
The Lockheed P-38J Lightning aircraft was revolutionary, extremely innovative, thanks to double-girder fuselage, the two Allison V-engines with turbochargers within the tail beams...
The Boeing B 29 Superfortress will be remembered as the apparatus to have made use of the atomic weapon in war action; in fact, airplanes of this type that dropped the atomic...
Vergeltungswaffen, retaliatory weapon, was a term coined during the Second World War to represent some Wunderwaffe, miraculous weapons, that Germany was developing. The...
The eagerly awaited final volume in Pulitzer Prize-winner Rick Atkinson's New York Times bestselling Liberation Trilogy.It is the twentieth century’s unrivaled epic: at a...
“1941 must have been the bravest and stupidest year of modern times. With gripping narrative and eye-popping revelation, Andrew Nagorski shows us why character is...
Campaigning with the 149th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A Sketch of Events Connected with the Service of the Regiment in Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley, VirginiaIn preparing this...