Nella Larsen's first novel tells the story of Helga Crane, a fictional character loosely based on Larsen's own early life. Crane is the lovely and refined daughter of a Danish...
Children should not just read about history, they should live it. In The Story of Civilization author Phillip Campbell uses his historical expertise and storytelling ability...
The oldest book in the world is the filled with wisdom quotes and teachings on how one is to conduct ones life and how to treat his fellow man. Good old ancient wisdom in its...
The Hawker Hurricane was the first modern British fighter before the outbreak of World War II. Until 1941 the Hurricane was the most widely used combat aircraft from the Royal Air...
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial...
93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders.
In this pamphlet Jackson sources the pagan origins of Christian doctrine with particular focus on the creation and atonement myths. Rooted in historical facts, Jackson's claims...
Harriet Jacobs' autobiography details her experiences as a slave in North Carolina, her escape to freedom in the north, and her ensuing struggles to free her children. The...
Definitely, this is a disturbing book. Told from the account of a Spanish colonizer who went to Hispaniola to make his fortune, Bartolomé de las Casas soon took up the cause...
In 1933 Adolf Hitler seizes power after seducing the German people with lavish promises of restoring order, prosperity and the Greater German Reich to its former glories. He then...