Matthew “Matt Attack” Potter is 15 years old and a human pinball ricocheting within the foster-care system. After years of abuse and neglect, Matthew breaks free and begins an...
When Winter Green’s estranged mother dies, the other two members of her folk trio plead with Winter to come on tour with them. No way! Winter grew up on a tour bus. She’s got...
In 1861, a 12-year-old boy and his 80-year-old grandmother flee their elegant home along the Beaufort River to shelter in the wilderness of Cane Island, South Carolina. They...
Alyssa Higgins is new to motherhood, suburban life and dog ownership. When she takes her puppy to the dog park and learns of a cold case murder involving another young mother, she...
This book is a fictional story of Sherie Anee Merise and her family. So much happensbecause of long held secrets which would eventually affect all of their lives, some for...
Farrah fell in love with Lane a long time ago. He was a family friend, a little older. She was a teenager—and a boy, back then. When she confessed her love to Lane, he...
A precisely crafted, darkly humorous portrait of a family in mourningSunday’s father is dying of cancer. They’ve come home to Malagash, on the north shore of Nova Scotia, so...
When fifteen-year-old Jack Sligo runs away from his loving Boston-Irish family, he hopes to get a summer job on a cruise ship. His dream becomes a nightmare when two strangers...
Lexi Stuart is risking it all. Saying au revoir to the security of home, her job, and could-be boyfriend, Lexi embarks on a culinary adventure in France to fulfill her life dream...
In the final weeks of 1938, in the shadow of Kristallnacht and imminent war, a heartsick Italian maestro wrote a love song called "Tu Solamente Tu". Its lyrics lamented his forced...