Winner of the 1921 Pulitzer Prize, The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton’s masterful portrait of desire and betrayal during the sumptuous Golden Age of Old New York, a time...
In this new fairy tale reimagining from YA author Melanie Dickerson, Gisela’s life consists of cooking and cleaning for her stepmother and stepsisters, with little time for...
In this book by author Melanie Dickerson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the...
In this new historical YA romance novel from author Jody Hedlund, when a young maiden dedicates her life to protecting the mistreated, she finds herself in opposition with a...
In the latest YA fairy tale retelling by Melanie Dickerson, Margaretha has never been good at holding her tongue. But when she learns her new suitor is trying to kill the stable...
On the sixth day, looking at the end of the National Day holiday, Xiang Tianxiao's whereabouts in the past few days are faint.When Tan Kai was still asleep, a person woke him...
Robin Brent comes to stay at the Abbey after her father is injured in a plane crash. She makes friends with the Abbey crowd and finds romance with Rob Quellyn, a distant relative...
Kai met Avery only once--in the moment he died saving her life. Now when he's not using his new healing powers to help people, he watches helplessly as Avery's life is unraveled...
A Reading Group Guide to The Program By Suzanne Young Discussion Questions 1. What can you do to get help if you, or someone close to you, exhibits signs of depression? Who...
Her sister has been taken, and the only boy she’s ever loved has disappeared. To get them back, she’ll have to use the magic she’s always feared. Liora has shone...