Full Time Hustle



An Audio Resource About Life And Business


  • Ep 29: Show Off Your Pretty Face

    04/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    Make yourself more easily recognizeable and bridge the gap between online and in person. Have something that stands out about you-- whether physical or something you love or do. What do you want people bringing up in conversation? That's what you talk about!

  • Ep 28: How to be a Voice Over Artist with JoEllen Anklam

    01/05/2018 Duration: 51min

    Ep 28:  How to Be a Voice Over Artist - Interview with JoEllen Anklam Voice over is a production technique where a voice is used in a radio, television production, filmmaking, on the web, animation or other presentations but the speaker is not seen. If you have ever wondered what it is like to be a voice over artist or how to be one, this interview with veteran voice over artist JoEllen Anklam will give you some great insights on how to make voice overs your Full Time Hustle!  JoEllen has done 1000’s of voice overs for radio and television commercials, websites, toys, animation, museum exhibits and video games for clients including Disney, Marvel, Victoria’s Secret, McDonalds, Diet Coke, Volkswagen, Hasbro and 100’s more.   Top Tips for Getting Started in Voice Overs Voice overs are fun but it takes some hustle to make it in this industry. Take a hard look at how much you want it and how practical it would be for you.  You will not make a lot of money right off the bat. Are you in a position to do tha

  • Ep 27: Best Advice I’ve Ever Been Given

    27/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    Best advice I've ever been given! My doula told me this when I was pregnant. If I'm in a situation where I don't know what I want, and I feel pressured to make a decision, then just ask what happens if I wait before making a decision. It helps you to be proactive, not reactive.  Sometimes bad things happen if you wait, but most of the time, nothing happens, except you make a better decision.   Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → https://www.facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/fulltimehustlepodcast/ 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts. We want to share it with you! Click here for a 17 day free trial and 10% off your purchase.

  • Ep 26: How To Be An Influencer, Even If You Have A Small Tribe

    24/04/2018 Duration: 34min

    "You begin to recognize that you have a tribe when you start to say things and people start to respond"   Malcolm Gladwell really started to use the word tribe in this way.   This podcast is for you if: -you want to be an influencer, but think you can't because you don't have 10k+ followers -you do influence a small group of people -you want to know how to be an influencer with those people you already have 1.) Be a person of integrity.  Carry yourself well, speak highly of others, and lead well in your small role. 2.) Know what's going on in the world around you, and be ready to respond in a proactive way. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 3.) Engage on new platforms. 4.) Be vulnerable. 5.) Keep going. Don't think you've arrived. The second you do that, you're immediately ireelevant. 6.) Appreciate your tribe. Never take your following or your tribe for granted. Andy Stanley says "Leadership is a Stewardship. It is temporary, and you're accountable."

  • Ep 25: Don’t Do Trades

    20/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    We don't do trades. Say it louder for the people in the back. WE DON'T DO TRADES! Here's the thing: We have done trades in the past, but it needs to be the exception in very specific circumstances. Trades don't pay the bills. Make standards for yourself. 1) We don't do trades. 2) If there's something we really want, we'll seek out a trade. Sometimes they magically align. 3) We don't let people sell us on a trade. If it's not on our list of things we're willing to trade if the time comes, then we don't trade. We stick to that so we don't have regrets later. 4) You don't have to give an answer right away. You can think on it! 5) Whatever you do, have a written contract in place! We trade dollar for dollar, to make it fair and clear and concise.

  • Ep 24 Vacation… When You Love To Work

    17/04/2018 Duration: 27min

    Summer is coming fast, and as an entrepreneur, if you don't prepare, then you'll just end up working remotely instead of sipping margaritas by the ocean. 1) Choose how much to work ahead of time. There's no sense in paying to go on vacation so you can work. So if it helps you to set aside an hour each morning to handle emails and work, then do it. Set a timer, and when it's done, truly enjoy the rest of the day. Or it can be one day of working for 3 hours-- whatever works best for your business and family. 2) Minimize your workflow. Plan vacay for a time when you'll naturally be less busy Write FB/insta/blog posts ahead of time - FB can be automated, and now instagram can be too! I love Planoly for that. Plan a chill week the week before or after vacation (depending on your life of work) I plan chill weeks before vacation. That way I can clean my house and pack. If I photograph a wedding and then go on vacation, then I'm going to spend time posting a sneak peek and starting on the images before I

  • Ep 23: How to Deal with Tough and Intimidating People

    13/04/2018 Duration: 13min

    1.) Be polite, but firm in setting boundaries. This doesn't mean you need to come out of the gate vocally setting rules or making bold declarations, but it does mean that you decide before an interaction how you'll handle specific situations that might arrive. Know what you have control over - which is yourself, your situation, and mainly your identity and overall life strategy. 2.) Love them. Be in their corner. Show kindness, and build them up. 99% of the time, they have built up walls because they've been hurt or they're scared of being hurt. That's why they're so tough-- because they've HAD to be to survive. They'll realize they don't have to fight so hard and start to let their walls down. 3) They might be intimidated by you. It flips the script. So instead of feeling intimidated, think about how you're coming off... and again... show kindness and love that person. They'll probably open up. 4.) Match their energy.

  • Ep 22: Sales Advice that Doesn’t Suck with Adam Dorfman

    10/04/2018 Duration: 39min

    Entrepreneur = sales. There's literally no way around that. So today we're talking with Adam Dorfman, who taught us how to do sales. You read that right... he's our boss from back in the day! And not only did he grow his company from nothing, he's excelled at helping other people. When it comes to corporate work and sales, it's easy for families to get lost in the mix. But honestly, our family time was valued and welcomed at DMC Atlanta. We were both going on business trips, and we had some input as to whether we went on the same business trips or separate. He flew us to Dallas to work with another office, and really invested in us as people and future business owners. It was hard work, but we're so thankful for the practical skills we learned while working there. DMC Atlanta's website gives a little more insight: Adam Dorfman was born and raised in Atlanta and comes from a long line of entrepreneurs. He watched his father and stepmother build a company (APCO) from the ground up, and his childhood was fill

  • Ep 21: Our Fave Inspiring Books

    06/04/2018 Duration: 20min

    The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up- Marie Kondo The One Minute Sales Person - Dr. Spencer Johnson Laura Vanderkam's series- I Know How She Does It, What Most Successful People do on the Weekend Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie Honorable Mention- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

  • Ep 20: 5 Building Blocks for Business

    04/04/2018 Duration: 21min

    Disclaimer, this is NOT an all encompassing list. But it is a great guideline to make sure you aren't skipping over big things when it comes to running your business. Creatives especially like to skip over most of these or halfway do them, and that's not okay at all! 1) Vision- have a game plan for what you're doing, WHY you're doing it, and where you want to be in 5-10 years. Andy Stanley's book Visioneering 2) Legal stuff + taxes- be organized, plan ahead and don't be scared of these things. They're coming for your regardless- and it's cheaper if you just face it head on. It's part of running a business- don't forget sales tax! You need to understand the sales tax laws in your state, and states you're selling to. 3) Basics for product, customer service, and delivery - this needs to be a well oiled machine-- not a guessing game every time you get a client. Write out a workflow- decide what your core values are. 4) Payment/Contracts- might be already supplied, depending on your type of business. We u

  • Ep 19: Creating Your Elevator Pitch

    30/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Definition: a succinct and persuasive sales pitch. Why do you need one? It's important to be able to quickly communicate what you do. It can spark interest, and set groundwork for a conversation. What's the point? At the end, you want the other person to grasp the idea of what you do. Even if you don't fully explain it, that's okay. But if you say, "It's complicated" or "I work with numbers" it doesn't really help people understand. Cater it to different people- if I'm talking with a potential bride, I'll gear it towards wedding photography. If I'm talking with business owners, I'll gear it towards either commercial photography or this podcast. Listen to people's responses, and use that to adjust your elevator pitch over time. Make sure to also show interest in the other person and what they do! Following up with a question is more memorable than anything else. Susan's: I'm a photographer. I work with weddings, families, and business clients. We also do videography. Josh's: I produce cinemat

  • Ep 18: 5 Things to Outsource Now

    28/03/2018 Duration: 27min

    A principle we learned from 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss 1) Social Media- there are experts who do this, in your voice, with the content you want to share 2) Blog Posts- your social media person can help, likely 3) Tax Prep- I hated to make the leap, but now I'm SO GLAD I did. Our CPA started out just doing our taxes, and now he does our monthly bookkeeping too. 4) A piece of your job that you're new at or want to start offering 5) House cleaning/yardwork Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Join our Facebook Group for insiders! Follow us on Instagram 17hats free trial and 10% off your purchase 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts. We want to share it with you!

  • Ep 17: 4 Totally Free Ways to Market Your Business

    26/03/2018 Duration: 34min

    SEO -in pictures, in the copy on your website and blog- in blogging consistently Luke + Ashley did a great video and blog post on this! Google.  Oh man, this has opened up our world!  When you have a presence on Google Business, it really helps people find you.   Listen to the episode for a more in depth description of what we're talking about. FB/instagram/LinkedIn/Pinterest/Email List - wherever you have or can build a following, use it! It varies by industry, for sure. It's tough to be real on social media, but it's also a huge opportunity to share things- the more real you are, and the less salesy and perfect, the better the algorithm works in your favor-- even when the algorithm changes. Don't plan your marketing around the algorithm-- the BIGGEST thing is to connect with people Make friends IRL and do things with them. It's not a trick or a shortcut-- and you certainly shouldn't expect your friends to always only buy from you. In our experience, building true friendships outside of o

  • Ep 16: Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Client Experience

    23/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    The biggest secret?  Care for your clients and always put people first! For businesses that get to know clients really well, each of your clients have a love language, so learn what they are. Most of us cater to a certain type of client-- it's what we attract naturally, and they are all somewhat similar, or have something in common since they're all buying from us.  So many of them might have similar love languages. Gary Chapman: The Five Love Languages But this isn't just for companies who get to know each customer well.  For example, Amazon has a wide variety of customers, but pretty much all of them appreciate quick and exact service. That's what makes their client experience great. What are some ways you love on your clients and make their experience the best? Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group Instagram 17hats free trial and 10% off your purchase 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handle

  • Ep 15: Christina Barnum on Running a Business as a Military Spouse

    21/03/2018 Duration: 52min

    Christina Barnum is the woman behind the lens at Christina Barnum Photography. She currently serves the Hampton Roads, VA area as a family & wedding photographer, as well as traveling nationally & internationally for some of her incredible couples! Recent adventures include: Disney World, Iceland, and the Dominican Republic! Christina picked up her first DSLR 6 years ago, after she and her husband, Nick, relocated to a new place and welcomed their twins, Leah & Mason, into the world. Photography was the perfect creative outlet for this military spouse &  new mom, and the then hobbyist hit the ground running and turned her passion into a business in just a couple short years. When she’s not behind the camera, you can find this introverted-extrovert snuggled up at home with a glass of red wine & binging Netflix, going on family dates & mini adventures with her husband, or trying to work off the pizza and wine at the gym. And... for photographers, she has a sale for our Full Time Hustle listeners!  Right now,

  • Ep 14: Why We Run Our Business Debt Free

    19/03/2018 Duration: 28min

    Disclaimer, we're not saying every business should run like ours, but we are sharing what has worked for us, and why we don't want to use debt in our business. - It makes life easier - Way less stress - Allows us to grow at the pace we want, and allows us to say no to things because we aren't having to stress about paying payments - We're a lot more thoughtful about the purchases we make (compared to when we used to used debt), and we use each piece of equipment to the fullest of it's ability Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover  → https://www.amazon.com/Total-Money-Makeover-Classic-Financial/dp/1595555277/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521126304&sr=8-1&keywords=total+money+makeover Dave Ramsey's Website  → https://www.daveramsey.com "Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender." -Proverbs 22:7 NLT Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → https://www.facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/fulltimehustlepo

  • Ep 13: How to Beat the Algorithm

    16/03/2018 Duration: 04min

    Do you feel like no one sees your Facebook or Instagram posts?  Are you constantly using hashtags and not getting any results?  Tired of playing the social media followers game?  Want more engagement on your social media platforms? Algorithms are put there to make sure the consumer enjoys that platform. So if consumers enjoy what you're posting, then the algorithm will love you.   Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → https://www.facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/fulltimehustlepodcast/ 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts. We want to share it with you! Click here for a 17 day free trial and 10% off your purchase.

  • Ep 12: Donovan Janus

    14/03/2018 Duration: 01h00s

    Donovan Janus' life mission to make running businesses easier. A lot easier. Having worked with solopreneurs for over 20 years, his company 17hats provides them with the tools, knowledge and expertise to get key systems in place to organize and systemize for growth. He's the Founder and CEO of 17hats, which we've been using in our business for the past 3 years.  You can read more about his story here! Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group Instagram 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts. We want to share it with you! Click here for a 17 day free trial and 10% off your purchase.

  • Ep 11: Working with your Spouse

    12/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    *We don't have this figured out, but we have been doing it for 2.5 years, and are still married and haven't killed each other yet, sooooo. Cultivating a relationship when you work together: - Respect + build on strengths (Josh is good at speaking + selling, Susan is good at business + workflow speed) - have jobs and a division of labor. It gives accountability and makes sure things don't slip through the cracks. - Sometimes work separately. You just need space! - Have open and honest convos each week about where you stand. It doesn't have to be long and drawn out, it can just be a quick check in. What does the other need? Does he/she feel left out? - Learn each others love languages and apply them! Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → https://www.facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/fulltimehustlepodcast/ 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us

  • Ep 10: Valdi Sabev

    09/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    We want there to be a place for all the randomness that comes our way because business is, in fact, random at times. Every Friday we're going to have a mini episode called Time Out Friday that doesn't fit within the bounds of our normal episodes.  Enjoy! We love when life gives us randomness, and today we're going to tell you the coolest story from this week, and it's about the composer of our theme music, Valdi Sabev. Valdi's website: http://www.valdisabev.com Nadya's Photography Website: http://nadyasabeva.com Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Facebook Group → facebook.com/groups/190904694978305/ Instagram→instagram.com/fulltimehustlepodcast/ 17hats → https://www.17hats.com/card/fulltimehustle 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business.  It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts.  We want to share it with you!  Click here for a 17 day free trial and 10% off your purchase.

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