Full Time Hustle

Ep 25: Don’t Do Trades



We don't do trades. Say it louder for the people in the back. WE DON'T DO TRADES! Here's the thing: We have done trades in the past, but it needs to be the exception in very specific circumstances. Trades don't pay the bills. Make standards for yourself. 1) We don't do trades. 2) If there's something we really want, we'll seek out a trade. Sometimes they magically align. 3) We don't let people sell us on a trade. If it's not on our list of things we're willing to trade if the time comes, then we don't trade. We stick to that so we don't have regrets later. 4) You don't have to give an answer right away. You can think on it! 5) Whatever you do, have a written contract in place! We trade dollar for dollar, to make it fair and clear and concise.