Full Time Hustle

Ep 22: Sales Advice that Doesn’t Suck with Adam Dorfman



Entrepreneur = sales. There's literally no way around that. So today we're talking with Adam Dorfman, who taught us how to do sales. You read that right... he's our boss from back in the day! And not only did he grow his company from nothing, he's excelled at helping other people. When it comes to corporate work and sales, it's easy for families to get lost in the mix. But honestly, our family time was valued and welcomed at DMC Atlanta. We were both going on business trips, and we had some input as to whether we went on the same business trips or separate. He flew us to Dallas to work with another office, and really invested in us as people and future business owners. It was hard work, but we're so thankful for the practical skills we learned while working there. DMC Atlanta's website gives a little more insight: Adam Dorfman was born and raised in Atlanta and comes from a long line of entrepreneurs. He watched his father and stepmother build a company (APCO) from the ground up, and his childhood was fill